Chapter Nine (Kiara's POV)

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A cool breeze caught my hair and I shivered as a scream filled the air. All four of us turned to see where it came from. Two dark figures under a lamppost a few feet away from us seemed to be having a row- a very physical one. The larger figure was grabbing the smaller one's neck, who was struggling. One of them- a woman- screamed again.

"Oh my gosh! Should we do something?" Charity asked. No one other than us was on the street because it was so late, so no one was there to help.

Louis must have been thinking the same thing because he yelled, "Hey! Sod off!" and started to walk over to them. Liam let go of my hand and followed. I stepped closer to Charity, who was very tense. Thunder crashed from miles away.

The larger figure abruptly turned towards them, face illuminated by the lamppost, and Louis and Liam stopped. After my eyes adjusted slightly, I could see why. The figure had blood dripping off of his chin, and he seemed to have been cursed with cataracts. My eyes grew wide. He looked like a zombie. An actual zombie. Part of his cheek was missing, as was one eye. The little amount of skin he had on his face was rotting off in large yellow chunks. My thoughts suddenly went to Murray's latest appointment.

Charity inhaled a shaky breath and grabbed my arm. Louis and Liam hesitated and looked at each other. I thought they would come back to us, but they ran full speed towards the... undead man.

"What are you doing? Come back!" I called. But they didn't listen. They tackled the zombie to the ground, which caused him to throw the woman to the side. She was badly bleeding from her neck, causing a crimson pool to form around her head. Her blonde hair was drenched in red. She spasmed slightly and a gush of blood spouted from her mouth and from the gaping hole in her neck. I felt sick. I looked at Charity, who was dangerously pale.

After struggling with the zombie on the ground, the boys forced it into a kneeling position; Liam holding its arms behind its back and Louis holding its head still by its hair. The zombie was still fighting them, thrashing around with it's mouth open wider than humanly possible, exposing very yellow teeth and blackened gums. It gurgled and yowled at being restrained.

Louis had an intense look on his face. His grip tightened on the zombie's hair. I had a feeling that I knew what was going to happen next. I had watched enough zombie movies to know that the only way you could kill one was by shooting its brains or decapitating it. But was what he was about to try even possible?

I wasn't about to find out. I closed my eyes tight, and just in time, too. I heard the snap of breaking tendons and throat muscles coming loose. The zombie went silent, and the pressure Charity was applying to my arm suddenly lifted. I looked down. She must not have closed her eyes; she had fainted. I knelt down beside her and shook her shoulders. This was not a good time.

"Charity! Wake up!" I yelled, my voice cracking. I shook her until her eyes fluttered open. "Are you okay?" I asked. She gazed lazily at me for a moment, then her eyes shifted to the side. Her eyes widened and she became rigid; like a deer in headlights. She tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come. "What? What is it?" She started breathing heavily and pointed a shaky finger to something behind me. I swallowed, thinking that the zombie had somehow reanimated, then turned around. It was still on the ground, headless. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

Louis and Liam were bent over the bleeding woman. "Is she... dead?" I called. Charity started to get up and was vigorously shaking her head at me. I gave her a confused look, so she pointed back at Louis and Liam. I wish she would just say something instead of playing this ridiculous game of charades! Despite my annoyance and confusion, I did as she wanted and squinted into the darkness in the direction of Liam and Louis.

When I saw what was actually going on, I almost followed in Charity's footsteps and passed out. Louis and Liam were not checking if the woman was okay; they were ripping into her like wild animals. I heard Charity scream- or maybe it was me. Louis turned to look at us. Liam didn't seem to notice; he kept feeding on the woman's corpse. Louis's eyes were glowing silver and his mouth was open, exposing sharp, bloody fangs. He had red smeared all around his mouth and dribbling down his chin. A drop fell from one of his fangs. He licked his lips. Nothing went through my mind except for one word: vampire. Louis and Liam were vampires.

"Charity, we need to run," I said. But she was one step ahead of me. She bolted before I could even finish my sentence. I ran right after her. We even didn't look back; we just kept going until we reached the flat. The occasional lightning strike illuminated our way. Once we were safely in, Charity bolted both locks on the door.

We both just stood there, panting for a little bit. "Charity," I said in between breaths. "Never set me up with anyone ever again." She nodded.

We heard a pattering sound against our kitchen window. The rain had started.

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