What Happened

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Zane POV.
Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, and I were in the forest looking for something Nya said came out of the sky, but I told her that's highly impossible unless it's a plane, or helicopter crashing or someone is skydiving, "What do you think fell out of the sky?" Cole asked. "Probably nothing it could of been something stupid Nya is always making stuff up." Kai smirked.

Alex POV.
"Ow my head...what happened where am I?" I said rubbing my head in pain, "Harper...Harper where are you!" I screamed hearing a distant voice. "I'm over here! Alex help I'm stuck in a tree!" She yelled pain in her voice. I pulled my wand out of my boot and brought Harper to the ground noticing that her clothes had changed.

Harper POV.
Alex's clothes had changed and I think mine did too because we both have the same look on our faces but Alex didn't look like Alex she looked like the most beautiful person in all the world and there was like a beam that would pull anyone in well mostly boys. "Harper I'm scared what happened where are we?" Alex cried. "I don't know Alex but what I do know is that you look like a celebrity." I replied. "Wait what?!?" Alex said looking at herself and by the looks of it she liked how she looked, "You almost look like a celebrity too but not as hot as me." She bragged. "I don't need to be as hot as you I'm just glad we didn't die."

Alex POV.
"Isn't it a really cute dress?" I asked and twirling in the dress suddenly making a tornado that us the color of the rainbow (all good colors were taken), "Whoa did I just do spinjizu?" I ask. "Spin what now?" Harper said clearly confused. "Oh I think I know where we are." I spun around again changing clothes.

Cole POV.
"Did you guys hear something?" I asked the others. "Yeah I did hear that you think it could be the thing that fell from the sky?" Jay asked terrified. "Oh come on its probably just nothing." Kai said rudely. The rest of us slowly walked forward until the voice got louder and there we saw two girls in the forest lost and confused.

Zane POV.
We arrived at the voices and I saw the most beautiful jaw dropping girl I had ever seen in my life. I summon up all my courage and walk straight for the two girls in the forest, "Hello are you lost?" I asked the girl. She jumped when I reached her and she looked me straight in the eyes and I saw she had the most beautiful crystal blue eyes and she said to me, "Oh um yes, yes we are I'm Alex and this is my friend Harper." She said in a voice that is like poetry.

Kai POV.
"Well I guess Nya wasn't making anything up." I said rubbing my neck. I thought since they're lost may as well help them find their way home. "So um what brings you to Ninjago?" I ask. (Okay this is not work for me I'm going to try a new tactic) Alex: Wait did you say Ninjago?
Kai: Yeah you're in Ninjago not far from Ninjago city too. 'She's so gorgeous' I thought.

Jay: 0_0 I didn't expect a pretty girl that fell from the sky." Jay whispers to Cole.
Cole whispers back: Neither did I

Alex POV.
Alex: Well um can you show us where Ninjago City is please me and my friend Harper are going to be late for a meeting." I lied (I'll do that every so often is have to)
Zane: 0_e Uh yeah sure follow me. *twitch twitch*
Harper and me followed Zane to Ninjago City and its just how I imagined it well seen on TV
Alex: Well it's been very nice to meet you all but we have to go now bye!" I grabbed Harper's hand and dashed away before anyone could say anything
Harper: What *huff* was *huff* that *gulp of air* for!
Alex: Sorry but if we are going to be known in Ninjago I at least want Sensei Wu to know me and Lord Garmadon come on we need to find a secret place so I can teleport them to.

How I got in Ninjago and Became a Ninja (roleplay)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang