New Character Dan

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Dan's POV.
Dan:*I run into two girls who look amazing but the girl on the right looks more gorgeous I begin to rub my neck* Err sorry about that I'm Dan and you are?
Alex: Oh um I'm Alex and this is Harper *points to girl on left*
Harper: hehe I'LL SEE YAH IN P.E.!!!
Alex: don't mind her she always does that
Dan: Well you look real nice you new in Ninjago?
Alex: Yah actually I'm looking for a place to live
Dan: you wanna crash at my place?
Alex: really that would be so nice!
Dan: hehe no problem
Alex: You're a real nice guy you know that?
Dan: Yeah I get that a lot.
Alex: Well Dan it's been very nice meeting you but I gotta go find a job.
Dan: Oh okay I'll meet you here at the end of the day?
Alex: sounds good *kisses cheek* bye.
Dan: *sways around smiling holding cheek* yeah bye. 😍

How I got in Ninjago and Became a Ninja (roleplay)Where stories live. Discover now