IV: The past can reveal secrets

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"I was born into a family known as the Blood family." Ritsuka started, "They were known to certain nobles as being the most musically talented, even more so than any famous musician. My father was the previous head of the family. He was the human between my parents.

"My mother was the demon who posed as the family's maid due to the contract she and my father had. Over the course of the contract, my mother fell in love with her contractor and started to delay fulfilling my father's wish. I was born sometime later and my mother had no choice but to finish her work. She did it in no time and showed me to my father before leaving to wait to collect his soul.

"My father, however, renewed his contract and allowed my mother to be with him till I was of age. As I grew, my mother taught me how to use my powers while my father taught me how to run the family business. He also taught me how to play the violin as well. It stayed that way for ten years. Then that's when it all became nothing more than a dream.

"The mansion we were living in caught fire by complete accident one day and my mother and I were the only ones that managed to escape in time. It was by order from my father, who didn't make it as you can plainly see. After that, my mother began to distance herself, little by little, from me since I reminded her of father. Sometime after the fire, a woman came to us and claimed that she was my mother's sister, there to bring her home. Mother refused, saying she wanted to continue living among the humans, for my sake and my father's. The woman challenged her to a duel to see whether she will let her or not. Mother accepted it then died by the woman's sword. I witnessed the whole thing.

"I was left all alone after that. I was then taken in by some people who used my violin playing to their gain. That's how I became known by the title of "Magical Angel". I've been doing that for the past two years until now." Ritsuka finished, a few tears falling down her face.

The triplets watched her as she wiped away the tears. It took her a bit but she soon regained her composure.

"So, I suppose now you want to hear about my favorite things. Correct?" she asked.

They nodded their heads again and Ritsuka let out a short breath.

"Let's see," she started, thinking, "I enjoy eating anything sweet. I do love to listen to the violin. I also like wearing anything that is black or red....or both....if I could. Uh....oh! I also like to make puppets and accessories for them. I like playing with them too."

A small, happy smile slowly made its way onto her face as her eyes opened and closed a few times. She started to sway to and fro, making the triplets move out of her way quickly. One of them caught her in time to gently lay her on her bed while another put the blanket over her. She looked like an angel sleeping. The three of them watched her for a bit before one of them put Ningyou under one of her arms. They then quietly left the room, making sure not to wake her from her peaceful slumber.

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