VIII: ....But there is always a silver lining

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Ritsuka slowly opened her eyes as the sun was just barely over the horizon. She sat up in her bed and looked around the room. Everything looked exactly the same as she had left it before going to sleep, with one exception. Hanging from her door was a maid outfit that was similar to the one Hannah was wearing, but in her size. Ritsuka glared at it once she spotted it, making Ningyou sigh.

"Mistress," Ningyou started.

"Do not even bother, Ningyou." Ritsuka said, "I do not want to hear it right now."

"Yes, Mistress." Ningyou said as Ritsuka got out of bed and proceeded to make it.

"How is the dress fitting, Mistress?" Ningyou asked.

"Like a glove," Ritsuka said, none to happy with her situation as she stood in front of her wardrobe's mirror. "Though I cannot quite reach all of the buttons in the back."

"Would you like me to assist you?" Ningyou asked.

"Give me a few minutes to try for myself," Ritsuka said. "Then I will ask for assistance."

"As you wish, my lady." Ningyou said.

Ritsuka gathered her hair and put it over her shoulder while turning around. She looked over her shoulder at the mirror and began to try and button the last few buttons. However, this proved to be more difficult than she thought as, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't manage to put the buttons through their respective holes. She kept this up for a few more tries before finally giving up.

"Ningyou," Ritsuka said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You do this."

"Yes, Mistress." Ningyou said.

Ritsuka raised a hand toward Ningyou and closed her eyes. She was about to open her mouth to say something but quickly shut it when feeling someone button the back for her. She opened her eyes to see Ningyou still sitting on the bed, in doll form. Ritsuka blinked to this before slowly looking back to see who it was behind her. To her slight relief, it was one of the triplets, Thompson.

"Thank you for the assistance." Ritsuka said, calming down from her slight fright.

Thompson simply nodded his head as he finished buttoning the back for her. Once he stepped away, Ritsuka put her hair back and began to adjust herself. She kept her head down so Thompson wouldn't see the glare she was giving the outfit. Once everything was to her satisfaction, she turned around and looked up at the demon.

"Is there something that you need?" Ritsuka asked.

Thompson shook his head and picked up the apple that he had brought for her. Ritsuka's eyes widen when seeing the red fruit. It had been a long time since she last laid eyes on a ripe fruit before.

"Is that....for me?" Ritsuka asked slowly, pointing to the apple.

Thompson nodded his head and handed the fruit to her. A smile graced Ritsuka's lips as she held the apple within her hands.

"Thank you so much!" Ritsuka said, looking up at Thompson with glee.

Thompson remained silent as Ritsuka looked at the apple again. She took a bite from it and smiled even more at the taste.

"This is delicious," she said as she ate.

Thompson watched her eat the apple for a few seconds before getting behind her once more. Ritsuka blinked to this as he grabbed her shoulders and lead her to a chair. He sat her down in it before going to her end table.

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