VI: A gift can have many meanings....

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As the sun hid behind the horizon, Ritsuka laid on her bed, trying her best to keep herself awake. She had spent most of the day spinning around in her new clothes within her room. Just as she was about to give up the fight, a knock came at her door, jolting her awake. She slowly sat up and looked toward the door as it opened, letting light from the hall flood in.

Three familiar faces poked their heads in and looked toward her. Ritsuka couldn't help but give the triplets a small smile as they entered the room and placed their candles around it.

"Hello," Ritsuka said as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

The triplets looked toward her and nodded their heads in greeting. Ritsuka smiled a little more before looking down at her skirt and fiddled with it. The triplets took notice of this and stared at her as she played. A few moments passed before Ritsuka looked up at them, still smiling.

"Were you the ones that gave me these clothes?" she asked.

The triplets nodded their heads, making Ritsuka beam with joy.

"Oh, thank you very much," she said, "Ningyou had a feeling it was the three of you."

The triplets stared at her as she continued to smile at them. She then let out a yawn, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I am terribly sorry for that," Ritsuka said, trying to blink away her sleep, "but I am a little more tired than usual tonight. If you don't mind me asking, could you please leave early tonight? I wish to retire to bed now."

The three brothers nodded in understanding and helped Ritsuka into her bed, making her blink in surprise.

"You do not have to do this, you know?" Ritsuka said as she got into her bed.

The triplets remained quiet as usual as they made their way out of the room. Ritsuka watched them as they closed the door behind them. She blinked a few times before letting out another yawn.

"You really should get some rest, my lady." Ningyou said.

"You are right, Ningyou." Ritsuka said, laying down and pulling the blanket more over her. "Good night."

"Good night, my lady." Ningyou said.

The next day went uneventful for Ritsuka and Ningyou. Ritsuka woke up to her now normal cup of water and plate of bread. After she had finished both off, she and Ningyou spent the rest of it looking out the small window within the room.

Once night had fallen, Ritsuka laid flat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was the first time in a long while that Ritsuka was absolutely bored out of her mind, even with Ningyou beside her. She turned her head toward the door every so often to see if the triplet brothers were coming yet. Ningyou watched her do this before letting out a sigh.

"Prey tell, mistress, just what in the world are you doing?" Ningyou asked.

"I am bored," Ritsuka said.

"Just because you are bored does not mean that you have to wait for those demons like a loyal pup, mistress." Ningyou said.

"I am not a "loyal pup", Ningyou." Ritsuka said, turning to look at her puppet sternly.

"My apologies, madam." Ningyou said, "I meant you no disrespect but that is what it looks like."

"That may very well be the case to you but it is not to me," Ritsuka said, going back to staring at the ceiling. "Besides, they are late."

"You really have grown accustomed to them, haven't you?" Ningyou asked.

Ritsuka remained silent for a moment before speaking, "They are the only ones that have willingly given me their company. I cannot help but expect it everyday."

"I see," Ningyou said, "I understand, my lady."

Ritsuka nodded her head before turning onto her side.

The next morning, as the sun slowly rose over the horizon, Ritsuka opened her eyes and slowly sat up within her bed.

"Good morning, mistress." Ningyou said as Ritsuka rubbed her eyes.

"Did I end up falling asleep, Ningyou?" Ritsuka asked as she looked toward him.

"Yes, you did." Ningyou said.

"I see," Ritsuka said. She turned to look to see if her water and bread were in their respective places but found a surprise sitting with them. "Ningyou?"

"Yes, mistress?" Ningyou asked.

"Can you please tell me if you saw the boys come in this morning?" Ritsuka asked.

"Of course I did, mistress." Ningyou said, proudly. "Why do you ask?"

"Did you see them come in with a third item?" Ritsuka asked, "Most likely, a book perhaps?"

"Where are you going with this, madam?" Ningyou asked.

Ritsuka leaned over and picked up a book that was lying next to the bread. She showed it to Ningyou before looking at the cover herself.

"Do you suppose those boys brought it for you?" Ningyou asked.

"I do not know," Ritsuka said, "but I hope so."

"Well, since it's in our possession now, shall we read it today?" Ningyou asked.

"Yes, I think we shall," Ritsuka said, smiling at Ningyou.

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