High school

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"Hey wake up sleepy heads!" Allison giggled whilst gently shaking me and maya awake. "Go away I wanna sleep" Maya muttered whilst I agreed. "Your gonna be late for the first day of high school" Allison manipulated. This was enough for me to get up but Maya stayed in bed. "Josh is here" Lydia teased running into the room. Maya jumped up to get ready. "Works everytime" Lydia commented making Maya groan at her stupidity. "Don't be such a gloomy gus its first day of high school maya" I told her. She nodded "I guess your right Come on let's get ready gus" Maya joked.
"Okay guys once you walk through these doors you are officially High School students" Alli told us. I was excited but abit scared too. At least I would have Maya, Lydia and Allison but it's clear Lyds and Alli would be with there friends and me and maya would be alone. "Come on Riles. Taking on the world" Maya said linking her arm into mine. I smiled at her "taking on the world" I repeated before we opened the doors and walked in. It was loud corridors and a lot of gangs inside. There was the popular gang which Lydia and Allison greeted clearly a part of. The nerdy gang which Lydia waved at because she was like a super smart genius. There was so many it was hard to count all of the gangs. But Lydia and Allison walked to another. It was a gang of well it was hard to tell. I noticed a few people there. Allison's boyfriend Scott was there and the boy that has had a crush on Lydia since third grade, Stiles was there. Lydia's actual boyfriend Jackson was there. And a few more. I said hi to Scott and stiles but I stayed away from Jackson because I know who he is and I'd rather stay clear from him. I was introduced to a brunette named Malia who seemed to like Stiles and a black haired, coloured girl names Kira and a hot guy named Isaac, then another hot guy named Liam. Me and maya decided to go off and find our lockers and we found out they were next to each other. We smiled at each other "see even the school sees that we have to take on the world together" I said to Maya. She rolled her eyes "and we have the same classes. All of them" she said raising her eyebrows at our schedules.
'RING RING' the bell sounded and floods of students headed to their classes. "Okay we got maths first come on" we headed towards our class room and took two seats next to each other. "Okay class my name is Ms Seymour and I will be teaching you maths this year" the teacher stated. I started to take notes when a dark shadow hung over my desk. I looked up to see a guy standing over me looking angry. "This is my seat. MOVE." He demanded. "Today is the first day which means that you have never been in this class which means this isn't your seat it's mine so find another" I told him. Maya looked at me her eyes wide as if scared because this guy was big and I was standing up to him. "I told you to move" he said. "And I told you to find another seat" I gritted my teeth. It seemed like the whole class was staring. "Ah you must be Mr Stewart's please find another seat and let me begin my lesson" Ms Seymour said rather calmly. He grunted and then took another seat at the back of the room. I could practically feel him shooting daggers through the back of my head the whole time. "That was brave" Maya whispered. "Well you know what it was like for me at John Quincy Adams I'm not gonna be pushed around in High School too" I whispered back. Maya nodded as if proud but when I turned around Mr Stuart's didn't seem to happy. I gulped before facing the front again.

Soon I will do someone else's POV but I'm not sure when because I think it will be Riley's next chapter so I will have to see what happens.
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