Dangerous people

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Maya grabbed my arm "quick let's get out of here before he comes after you" she said gesturing towards Brandon Stuarts. I nodded my head and rushed out of the door as soon as the bell rang. "Hey Matthews where do you think your going?" Brandon grinned whilst grabbing my wrist hard. "Let go of her Stuarts" Maya warned. "Stay out of this Hart" Brandon replied. I tried to pull my arm away from him but his grip only tightened. "I don't know who you think you are but you don't get to do what you did in there to me" he said referring to me denying him of the seat he wanted. "And you don't get to push me around. SO LET GO" I demanded. He carried on holding my wrist but he dug his nails hard through my skin. There was an audience of students watching now as this all happened and maya just didn't know what to do. "She said let her go so I suggest you let her go" a deep voice commanded from behind me. I turned my head fast to see a handsome, muscular guy with dirty blonde hair and piercing, green eyes. I had heard about him his name was Lucas. Lucas Friar. He was known as dangerous by some."What are you gonna do about it?" Brandon mocked. Lucas stepped forwards enough to reach Brandon where he slammed him agains the locker making him let go of my wrist. "Next time when I tell you to do something. Do it" he cautioned lifting his fist ready to punch Brandon. My sister, Lydia, Scott and Stiles came running to the scene. "Lucas stop" Scott bellowed.

"Lucas stop" I demanded. "Let him go. He gets the picture" I added trying to convince Lucas to let Brandon go. "Who are these your body guards?" Brandon chuckled. "Don't listen to him Lucas. Oh and Brandon were trying to help you so shut up" Stiles insisted. "Why shouldn't I punch him for what he did?" Lucas argued. "He deserves it..." "What exactly did he do Lucas?" Lydia asked. "Why don't you ask Riley" Lucas called making everyone turn to face a shocked Riley. "This is over Riley?" Allison questioned. Lucas looked to the floor "come on Lucas we can talk about all this later just leave him alone he's not worth it" I persisted. Finally Lucas gave in and let go off his hold on Brandon. Stiles and I took Lucas back to my place to talk things over.


I stood their shocked whilst Scott and Stiles took Lucas away from the drama. Brandon grazed past me whispering in my ear "he won't always be around to save you" then Alli, Lyds and Maya took me away from everything going on. "Hey what the hell was that about?" Lydia hissed. Maya stood up defensively "hey it wasn't Riley's fault. That guy Brandon was hurting her and Lucas made the choice to stand up for her" Maya explained. "He hurt you?" Alli queried. I lifted my wrist to show her the bruise that was forming. "Oh that must have hurt" she observed.
"Yeh we better get them home now I'm sorry for shouting earlier riles" Lydia apologised. I hugged her to let her know she was forgiven and then we headed home.

Hmm Brandon will be trouble. But finally Friar is introduced.

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