chapter 1

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"!Hurry up, hurry up we don't have enough time, Manager-nim is gonna be here any minute !", "Why don't you give us a helping hand instead of screaming at us?" " But Jin-Hyung I am! I'm telling y'all what to do". He just rolled his eyes at me and walked away, to clean the kitchen.

That's when I heard the doorbell ring. We froze in dire nervousness as we realized it was Manager-nim. We rushed around the dorm trying to get anything else that was misplaced. When all seemed right, I slowly approached the door turned around, and looked back at my members.

The five of them gave me a thumbs up. " RM Hyung, hurry up and open the door already", Jungkook whispered. Not wanting to be heard by our manager and the person that was with him. I then nodded and proceeded towards the door, and grabbed the handle.

We're not scared of Manager-nim and his surprise visits to our dorm, since we got nothing to hide but when he called us this morning, he sounded so serious. While telling me that someone important was coming with him this afternoon, that being said, I had a feeling that something interesting was about to happen once. I opened the door from our dorm

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