Light of day

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Once upon a time there was a fair and just princess. Her name was well known across the land. Everybody from the poorest person to the richest king knew and adored this princess. They would send gifts from all across the land to her. People would travel far and wide just to meet her.

However there was this one person who didn't seem to even notice her. 'A lone servant' she would call them, pretending that this certain person was just use to her charm. The princess made 'lone servant' do anything and everything for her. In her mind, this was punishment for not treating her the same as the others treat her.

"'Lone servant' fetch me a glass of water"
"'Lone servant' wash my dress"
"'Lone servant' carry my gifts"

The 'lone servant' did not worship the princess for reasons you think. The real reason was reviled after one year when the 'lone servant' was seen at the docks. With gold in one hand and a knife cloaked in blood in the other. The 'lone servant' was never seen again as a servant but as a wealthy new comer.

And the princess did not received anymore gifts and she never had anymore visitors. For the princess did not see another light of day.

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