The Moon

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The one who lights up the night.

The one who pulls the tides.

Either full, waxing, or waning

you'll be in the skies.

As always shining brighter then the stars

- c.m (aka me)

The moon is always compared to the sun. How is that fair to anyone. It is like comparing the flowers to the bees or water against fire.

Both objects need each other in more ways then one.

They all balance each other and together make a whole. How can you give more importance to one?

The moon should not be taken lightly. It's gives us hope and reason
You might not believe just yet.

But one night I ask you to just look up.
Look at the moon
See from my point of view

It's has a soft sliver light
and that light helps us see at night

Unlike the sun, we can see it's scars
And beside it
there is the stars

Can you imagine it?
The footprint I mean
One left the from defeat
Of the trip up there
A story like no other
But only a few get to share

It also pulls the tides
With it high
Or low
You can always blame it
On the thing in the sky

Sometimes if look really close
The sun and moon coexist in one setting
And those times are the most

The moon doesn't compare to anything.

*this was so hard to publish*

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