Fairy tale

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Everyone wants a fairy tale ending. Whether it's to get the princess/prince or to find the magical item.

If you think about it fairy tales are the worst. They raise you expectations on life.

'My life will be like that' you have probably thought at least once.

I have always thought about how perfect my life will be. I would be filthy rich and have suitors lined out side the door for me. However I would be in love with someone already.

Life instead is not great in any way like that. Life gave me the opposite.

I have no money or any possessions in my name. The Closest thing I have ever for love was my kindergarten crush. Even that went horribly wrong. I have no job and the only education I have is a high school diploma.

I wanted a fairy tale based off of real life.

The main character is broke and just trying to live in this high class society.  Maybe throw in an awkward, horrendous love interest and in the end they don't even stay together. Then the most perfect and very true fairy tale will exist.  That was then

Now, I don't want to be in a fairy tale. I want to be in story that finds courage, love, happiness, and pride in who I am. I have wanderlust and anxiety. I'm different and weird. Surprisingly, I'm fine with me.

I don't want a fairy tale.

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