Imaginary friend?

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Everybody has a different take on imaginary friends. Professionals say that it's all just part of a child's  mind compensating for something. Some might input that they are sprits.

All I know about imaginary friends
is my own. He told his story long ago and I feel obligated to tell you. He never did revealed his true name to me but always told me to call him Sam.

Sam's story beings in 1347 on the day the Black Death arrived to Europe. As the 12 trading ships docked, Sam and the most of the town gathered. They all saw the gruesome black boils and blood on the dead and living sailors.

Everyone was terrified and panicking. Sam said that people scurried home trying to avoid the plague. He also explained that he had stayed and watched the sailors walk or be wheeled off the ships.  He's also was the only one who noticed a single man walk unharmed and health as can be off the ship.

It wasn't until a few months later that Sam's father had come down with symptoms of the Black Plague. Sam verbalized that his mother had died years ago in childbirth of his sibling who also didn't make it.

With his father out ill, Sam had to work 12 hours a day in the farms to bring just enough to buy dinner. His father would get worse and worse with each day. Sam said that his father knew he wouldn't make and he used his last bit of energy on jealous.

Sam would leave his story there and would never say a another word. Until my last day with him. Even then he only uttered "I wished the plague would have killed me instead of my jealous father".

With that said, I'm still not positive what imaginary friend is.

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