Not Real

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I don't know whether it's normal or not. Well not precisely "normal" but more like "common" for a fifteen-year-old. I often think about my life. I don't like to think about the simple things which included: the type of car I want or the job I want to spend the rest of my life doing. I like to think about my death and my once in a life time trips. When I think about the trips I won't go on before I die, it hurts.

I want to travel all over the world, meet new people, learn languages, and live a good life. I don't want an office job and I don't want to live in a small, rinky-dink town. I'm currently living a life that when I think about I hate it. I read all these books with so many adventures, mythical creatures, and true love.  I want more in life.

I once told mamma these thoughts. She told me that she feels sorry for me. Honestly, I would have said the same thing. You tell a child at six that there are princes, princesses, dragons, fairies, witches, warlocks, and trolls. You tell a child at thirteen that none of those stories are true, the world doesn't work that way, and know your career choice before the end of the day.  I didn't take this very well and books became my comfort place.

"To prevent chaos with men, we have become drones to society and government." When you think about it the concept is almost correct.  We, the people, work to pay our bills and the government. We paid our bills and we paid the government for the bills. We also set trend to society. We made getting a classic job and family life the way to go. We made this the meaning of life.

The thing with me is I want all that too. I want a classic job and family life. I want to fit in society and support our government. However, I also want to be able to go to Paris without worrying about money, my job, people, and other things. I also want magical things to happen too.

However, this is life and some things are not real.

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