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"...do we do?" I heard a voice say as I slip out of the darkness.

"You need to get her away from here." I hear Ashton say to the first voice.

My head thumps and I had a sour taste in my mouth. I was laying down on a soft, cushioned surface. A couch. The feeling in my legs and body where coming back to me, as where all the memories. The image of Luke being chocked by Ashton, me scratching Ashton so much I got his blood under my fingernails.

"She's not going to go anywhere with me." I could put a face to the other voice now. Calum.

Calum and Ashton where with me. Where was Luke? Why did the two people I hated most in my life have to be with me right now? They were two people I once trusted so much but now I hated them. I just wanted Luke. Where was he? Why have I been left here with these two?

"You have to make her," Ashton says forcefully. "Even if she's dragged somewhere safe. You have to get her away from him."

"You know that she would never-"

"Calum I am begging you." Ashton pleads. "Protect her, keep her save. That's your job, Calum."

"And I've already failed." Calum says glumly. "I should never have let you come here. I should never have thought Luke was the same person I once knew."

"It's my fault." Ashton admits as I try to make sense of it all. Calum once knew Luke. Where they friends? Ashton and Calum were speaking as if they were old aquatints. Luke was from Manhattan.  Did they know each other from there?

"You didn't think this would happen." Calum says solemnly. "You just wanted to see them again." There was a pause. "No one can blame you for that."

"My father could." Ashton sighs out.

"Well... yeah." Calum says slowly.

"So could yours." Ashton laugh nervously. Why were they now talking about Calum's dad? My eyelashes flutter as I open my eyes. I find myself staring up at the ceiling of Luke's house, my body lying on the couch in his living room. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the two other boys in the room with me. Ashton sat at the circular table where Luke and him would eat. His back was to me. Calum was leaning against one of the kitchen counters, he was facing me but his eyes seemed trained on Ashton. I saw something shimmering in his hands. The way he twisted it about in his hands and between his fingers made me at first think it was a metallic drumstick, but dread fills me as I realize what it truly is. It was a knife. A long, silver knife that Calum was far too skilled at handling.

"Where do I go with her?" Calum says in defeat. "Where do I take her?"

"You guys have safe houses, don't you?" Ashton asks. "Places we can't get into or track, right?"

"Right." Calum nods. "That's gonna be an issue for her though," Calum says sadly. "For two reasons now."

"I didn't know Luke would get her pregnant." Ashton says quickly. "I didn't know he would be so stupid."

"Isn't that his job?" Calum says through gritted teeth. His job?

"Not yet," Ashton shakes his head. "He's an apprentice and he would have to get assigned a girl. He can't just pick one he would fancy."

What the fuck are they talking about? Was I still unconscious? Is this all some crazy, vivid dream I was having?

"Abby is going to lose it." Ashton sighs out. "She was already suspicious of me brining him here to finish his training." He admits to Calum. "She must have remembered..." Ashton trails off.

"Abby?" Calum asks him, not pestering him to continue his sentence.

"Right, yeah," Ashton chuckles. "You wings know her as Abaddon." Wings. Abaddon.

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