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My hands shake as I rest them on the wet rock I am sitting on. My feet dangle over the river bellow me, this part of it deeper and much more frantic than the rest. I feel it getting darker and darker around me. The sound of the river wasn't too loud but I really wish it was. It could drown out my thoughts and numb me to anymore. The rocks around me were all glistening from the water reaching out and touching them. The rock wall to my left looked like it could break right now as the water rushed through it's cracks and splashed into line with all the water that slipped through under the rocks.

I should probably go home before my dad decides to come into the woods and fine me himself. I don't know what he would do tome, knowing that I ran out here hoping to meet Calum. I went to the motel first and found out his room from the receptionist. She looked me up and down an could tell immediately who I was the daughter of. To my lick and surprise she didn't call my dad as soon as she figured me you. Se gave me Calum's room number but said she hadn't seen him all day. I was then lost. I didn't know what do to. She told me that if I really wanted to see him that bad I could leave a message with her. I played with the thought for a while knowing that if Ashton, my brothers or dad came looking for me in the motel she would easily hand the message over to them rather than remain quiet about seeing me. I did it though. I wrote down on a piece of paper that I had to see him, it was about Ashton, and asking him to meet me up river, the spot my mom died. A weird place but I knew it would be the safest place for us just now. It was much better than anywhere else in the woods as no one would think I would go to my mom's death site.

So here I am. Waiting for Calum for what seems like rolling on the third hour. I didn't even know the actual time, I didn't exactly have time to grab my phone when I left the house this afternoon. It must be going onto about six by now. The woods were much dare than they should be though, the trees in this area blocked out a lot of the natural light so it seemed like it could be nearer nine by now.

The last time I was in this part of the woods it was sectioned off by police tape. A crowd had still formed, young kids with sticks and old men with guns, completely overtaking the area. I was held back from the front of the crowds by Luke, a direct order from dad. He had taken Ben and Jack up front with him to talk to the sheriff. I knew before dad came back to tell me. I knew that when she walked out the that night that she wouldn't be coming back. When my dad opened his arms to offer a hug to me I instead just held onto Luke tighter, clutching onto his arms around me and burying my face in his scrawny ten year old chest. Seeing my dad be abusive to my mother didn't exactly make me want to be comforted by him. I heard his clunky boots walk away and Luke was stroking my hair, telling me that it was going to be okay and he would take care of me now.

Feeling the lingering sting of Ashton's hand across my face and the possible bruises from his fingertips on my skin has shattered any belief that Luke would ever be capable of takin care of me. What is with this towns obsession with me and every other girl here needing taken care of by a man? Especially since most men I know are abusive assholes who force the idea of a myth and superstition onto the town. It was always the boys that leave the town and make something of themselves that are actually any good. The ones who are forced to leave because this town is the worst place on earth. If you come from the outside you are the enemy.

"Hey, Hemmings!" I hear Calum's voice and see a silhouette coming through the trees at me from the other side of the river. I jumped at first but now as Calum came closer and closer towards me my body relaxes. "Aren't you supposed to be in prison?" Calum jokes as the little light reaches his face and shows his grin. My face must not be as smiley as his is or maybe the injuries to my face were already visible to Calum. "Josie?" he says just loud enough for me to hear him over the water separating us. Why was he on that side of the river? If he had come from the motel surely he would be on the same side as me. "Josie, what's the matter?"

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