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"Just for two?" The man behind the reception counter asks me. He look utterly bored and tired.

"Yes, a room for two." I repeat my statement again, knowing it is a lie and trying to keep it together.

"Two singles or a double?" I wanted to jump across the desk that separated us and strangle the receptionist. It wasn't his fault but I'm kind of in a rush, soaking wet, stressed out and had my dying best friend waiting in the back of my car.

The bell signalling that someone has walked into the motel reception goes off and I turn around to see Michael step in. He nods slightly, running his hands through his wet hair. The rain had somehow managed to get heavier since leaving my dorm room.

"Double," Michael replies to the receptionist for me. He takes slow steps and I turn back to face the receptionist, hearing Michael's boots grow closer to me.

The receptionist looks between us both with a skeptical look in his eyes. "Okay." He says slowly. I don't know what he cared so much about. This motel is notorious for having kids from the college come in here and shack up for the night. I mean I guess it is technically morning but I'm guessing there had been weirder people checking in at this time before. It's not that big a deal. Me and Michael didn't look that suspicious, did we?

With that thought I look over to Michael again and run my eyes over him. He was soaked, head to toe, from the heavy rain from outside. His white skin glistened in the fluorescent pink and blue lights which adorned the reception and outside of the motel. There was no evidence of blood on his anymore. I cleaned his face before any could drop down onto his clothes and leave a stain there. I suppose what is weird about Michael is that the cold weather doesn't seem to have taken a toll on him. I'm standing hear in a large jumper and oversized denim jacket, shivering and shaking from the cold. Whereas Michael doesn't seem effected. He seems so calm about everything... and I mean everything.  

Part of me couldn't help but wonder if Michael had done this before. Maybe he had lost control and had to fix it like this before. I wasn't actually sure how we were meant to fix it. Michael just told me we were going to meet Ashton at the motel and he was going to help us. I didn't know what this help would be or how much of a help it actually would be. Michael was just so calm and collected, and then there was me who wanted to start banging my head off a wall if it meant that I could get the thought of Calum bleeding out in the back of my car.

"Here," The receptionist holds out the keys for our room. "Door six, just head down left from here."

"You go ahead," Michael snatches the keys and immediately passes them to me. "I'll pay and get the... the bag, okay?" I knew what he meant.

I just simply nod my head and grip the keys tightly in my hand. I turn without casting another look to the receptionist and brace myself for the weather outside. I pull my jacket around me tighter and push out the glass door, the bell ringing as I do so. There wasn't many cars parked outside the motel. The illuminous sign towering over the place kept flashing and even over the loud rain I could hear the buzzing hum it made. I was worried the rain was gong to make it explode like some huge pink fire work. The water on the ground reflected the color and lights, washing anything in the parking lot in the pink glow. The silver of my car was tinted the dark pink color, as was my very skin. I eye the car as I walk past it in the direction of room four. I know Calum is in there and I can't run to him. I can't offer him the little comfort or apologies I have. I need to wait.

It's killing me that I'm technically responsible for this. If it wasn't for me Calum wouldn't be dying right now. I could be called his murderer. I should be called that. I would rather be stuck with that label than Michael, who would eternally blame himself for this incident. He still blames himself for things he done as a new vampire, and that... that was centuries ago. He's a totally different person now. He really is.

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