Personal history's

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Ashton's Pov.

"Oh God Wells is here. Ash is too but she tried to warn me. I think she was working with him." Cisco gasped.
Everyone turned to me.
"How could you! I trusted you,and helped you and you lied to me!" Barry yelled.
"Barry, I'm so sorry. You've always been like my brother and I didn't want to let you down so Wells and I made I deal.I wouldn't tell you who he is. If he doesn't tell you who I was.Please Barry Im so sorry!" I begged him to acknowledge me or even listen.
"Do you know what the worst part is? I thought we were friends." Barry scoffed in rage.
"We are friends I gave so many hints to lead you here please just look at me." I grabbed his arm begging. I held back my tears.
"Joe,please I'm sorry just say something." I turned to Joe his eyes filled with hurt.
"You're lucky we've got bigger problems." Joe pointed angrily at me.
"Cisco it's just a dream they can't hurt you." Caitlin told Cisco.
Even Caitlin was hated me now Disgust emitted from her face as she looked at me.
"You better be right about that." Cisco breathed heavily.
Caitlin turned to me.
"I hope your satisfied. I hope all the money and Jewels you steal are worth it!" She turned away from me.
"It's Ashton She...she died protecting me." Cisco was sweating now.
"See I'm the good guy I'm with you guys! I will always be with you guys." I pleaded.
"In a parallel universe." Joe corrected me.
"Yeah and So how do we know she  won't betray us in this one?" Barry responded
"You don't." I sighed.
"You're never going to believe it Ashton's Parents are alive. That's not the scary part ,she's the daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn." Cisco told them.
"Another secret? Anything else you'd like to tell us?" Barry sarcastically asked.
"Actually she didn't know." Joe defended me.
"Doesn't matter,Ashton your hear by fired from S.TA.R Labs." Barry told me coldly.
"Screw you Barry. I said I'm sorry! I Just find out I'm related to the Worlds MOST INFAMOUS PHYSCOPATH! SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING!" I sobbed teleporting away.

______________________________________________________________Somewhere in Central City two days later

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Somewhere in Central City two days later.
I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't care where I was.Nobody else cared that's for certain.
I genuinely feel like a part of me just died. I wanted everyone to fell how I did. My feelings smashed into a million pieces, completely alone. I felt so much power flowing through my body. I took down all the power lines with a scream. All the glass from the buildings around me shattered. The electricity around me was all I could see.
I was snapped out of my frenzy by the laughing of a familiar voice.
"Wow ,you look worse than I thought." Joe chuckled to himself.
"Thanks you really know how to complement a girl." I shot a bolt a the cars in order to miss the cops.
"Stop this right now. I know you can." Joe smirked his trademark smirk.
I just sobbed.
"Come back Barry will come around." Joe coaxed.
"No ,Joe I've betrayed his trust and he's right I'm no worse than the people he locks away. I-I-I need to get out of central city for I while. I can't look at it anymore after knowing Barry and Caitlin hate me." I hugged Joe.
"I know how you saved Cisco in the dream. Don't convince your self your one of the bad guys. Where are you gonna go?" Joe asked.
"I think it's time I explored Gotham." I smirked.
"Good luck and remember your father is a dangerous ,dangerous man. Who lives on the bad side of the looney bin. Your Mother is a smart Lady with help she can get out of that lifestyle. Now go." Joe finished
"Oh and Ashton,be careful." Joe smiled.
"No promises."
I smirked over my shoulder and looked away. Taking the Lamborghini I stole and driving away to not raise suspicions.

Struck by lightning.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang