The plan.

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Barry started to discuss the plan.
"The other day I may have ... Had a talk with Leonard Snart."Barry started
"Are you out of your mind?What do you mean you talked to Lenord Snart?" Joe chimed in furious.
"I asked him for help." Barry told him sheepishly.
"why would you do something so stupid?" Joe retorted.
"Because Joe we have already tried everyone else. Look You tried The C.C.P.D ,I tried Oliver, I even tried Ronnie and Dr.Stien. And the particle accelerator goes online in ---?" Barry ranted
"16 hours." Cisco informed
"I'm not willing to let the Metas die,and we can't let them escape either.
So like it of not,Snart ,with his cold gun...Is the only other one who can stop them if Cisco's transportation does not hold." Barry sighed.
A voice came from Behind Barry Causing Joe to jump.I laughed unbelievably hard..
"Then Lucky for you I figured out what it is you can get me.Hello detective nice to see you again."A voice came from Behind Barry Causing Joe to jump.I laughed unbelievably hard... I was like crying I was laughing so hard.
"Caitlin ,Cisco, Ashton .I thought about your proposal. You want my help ,this is what I want my fingerprints ,dental records ,DNA,Criminal records, family tree.Everything there is in this world concerning Leonard Snart...I want it destroyed.All of it at C.C.P.D online everywhere." Snart glared at the flash costume then turned to Barry.
"The Brass on this dude.You really think we'd do that for you?"Joe scoffed.
"I'll do it ...if it's the only way fine." Barry begrudgingly agreed.
"You and me need to talk right now." Joe pulled Barry in the next room while Snart smirked.
I walked up to Snart while Barry and Joe were in the next room.
"What do say we add a little bonus on top of erasing your criminal records?" I smirked
"Keep talkin." Snart responded.
"Why don't we sabotage the truck.I already know what Cisco's going to do and how to deactivate it."I proposed.
"And have the people let out destroy everything?No way ,Central City is my home." Snart drawled.
I rolled my eyes.
"Your not seeing the bigger picture." I sighed.
"Ok and what is the bigger picture?" Snart responded.
"Use them they all hate the flash as much as you do. Use them to get Barry to chill out with being the flash. They're powerful and powerful is useful." I smirked.
"Not bad Revenant ,Not bad at all." Snart smiled to himself.
Before adding "If I do this you'll owe me."
"Whatever." I called back walking back to where Cisco was.
"Ashton come outside with Barry and me ....there's someone I'd like you to meet." Snart instructed me
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"If you insist."
I followed Barry and Snart out to a damp alleyway with a pile of boxes in the middle
"I've deleted everything The C.C.P.D ,A.R.G.U.S ,and The F.B.I had on you and sent a virus to erase every digital record of you online.And this is every piece of physical evidence the police."Barry turned to Snart.
"Oooh! Me next!" I half-joked
Earning a glare from Barry and Snart.
Snart continued by smirking
All of a sudden some wiring sound came from the doorway and turned the files to gold. King Midas style if King Midas was a gun. A woman walked out who was a tad younger than Snart and I. She kinda looked like that telepath girl from that show the tommorow people or whatever...
"I hear were all going to be working together." The girl teased Barry.
"That's right Sis." Snart Joined in.
Ha!I knew she looked familiar!
"Partners." Snart added.
"Tell you what Snart's meet me at a this location in 15 to discuss a plan."
I handed Lenord the piece of paper and walked away.
I rolled up in my red Ferrari,because teleporting gets you noticed.
I strutted trough the heavy metal doors.
"Hello boys has anybody seen a girl brown hair and her brother who likes to pretend to be an Eskimo about yay high yay tall." I smiled.
"Nope." Some dude replied.
"Good than I'm early. SO EVERYBODY,HOWS ABOUT A ROUND ON ME!" I raised a glass to the ceiling. Pulling out my wallet paying for everyone. What can I say robbing people has its perks.
I heard footsteps behind me and I knew who it was buy the ridiculous jacket.
"Well well well...look who came." I smirked taking a sip from my glass.
"What can I say,I never refuse a free drink." Snart smirked.
"So Lennie who's she?" The girl wondered.
"Wouldn't believe me if I told you." Snart stated taking a drink.
I turned to look at her.
"Revenant,Ashton Revenant" I held out my hand.
"The Ashton Revenant? Crime queen?Apparition?" The younger Snart gazed up at me with wonder.
"The very same and you are?" I asked.
"Ok umm.. I'm a criminal but I still have manners Lisa Snart." She smiled.
Mouthing something to Leonard that I didn't care about.
" So, now that I know I'm in such esteemed company." Lisa composed herself.
"What's the plan?" She continued.
"Get The Flash to think we're on his side. Leonard knows The Flashes name question is do you?" I looked at Lisa.
"She doesn't The Flash and I had a deal and I pride myself on being a man of my word." Leonard finished.
"Please..." Lisa begged repeating the word over and over.
I knocked on the table.
"Leonard and Lisa." They continued
I knocked on the table again.
"Leonard and Lisa."Still no response.
I knocked on the three times.
"Leonard and Lisa!" I called the whole bar went quiet.
"Thank you." I cleared my throat fixing my leather jacket.
"Use that to your advantage the whole man of your word thing might shock Joe. Barry already trusts You. Lisa ,Cisco clearly has a thing for you he was checking you out earlier. Play it up. I'll work a Friend angle with Caitlin she's a tad desperate." I smirked slyly.
"Sounds like a plan." Lisa ,Snart ,and I clinked cups and drank.

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