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I've decided to make the best of the chaos that is alternate reality central city.
Annoy Snart as much as possible.
"Hey Snarty?" I winked.
"What?" He retorted with a snap.
"How does it feel to be stuck with a name like Leonard Snart in two universes? Like that's gotta suck."
"We can't all have names like Revenant." He scoffed
"Oh and We're meeting Barry and Caitlyn for drinks at the country club." I smiled
Country club = more money from pick pocketing.
"Oh and Leonard darling? Wear pastel." I winked as he promptly flipped me off.
I hoped teleported us in handing him a list of the richest people there in order to grab the most money. I casually stole a plate from a waitress bumped into someone and snagged six wallets from everyone at that much to my delight.
I chuckled to myself finding Barry and Iris near a balcony.
"So Lisa's kid gets the company?" Barry sighed.
"Barry don't." Iris grabbed his arm.
"Why not after all I've put in. I helped buy the tech I hired Cisco and Wells and Caitlin and you go and name some punk kid as your successor what's the point or dancing around it huh Iris?" Barry Asked
"Barry seriously I invited them for friendly drinks." Iris sighed.
"You know what I've done for the place the work I put in all the meetings I attended. How is I fair some kid gets to be their successor whose done literally nothing. Yes Mrs.Snart no Mr.Snart this and that. Help develop tech to help people. Oh but don't help yourself don't slack off. Whose names on the building Snart. Snart, give me a raise. No. Snart give make me meta human. No.Snart I'm leaving early. No You're not. Snart this Snart that! I'm Done All the effort I put in Just so some corrupt business man can make a profit. So no Iris I'm not just gonna bite my tongue." Barry scoffed.
" So because we chose to keep it in the family doesn't mean we don't value you .you are like family to me Barry." I told him. "We chose to assign Snarts nephew our heir so he doesn't have to grow up like Leonard did....I..." Ashton frowned
"Don't talk to me about family! When Savage Came 17 years ago my Mom died my Dad died imprisoned by Savage. Joe was publicly executed Iris he Was your Dad for god sake!I was captured and held for 12 years even though Leonard saved me don't talk to me about knowing my family and my loss." Barry stormed out.
Oh my god in this timeline Barry lost everyone.
"I'm sorry I-I- didn't know it effected him like that." I Frowned.
I took a swig from the thick red liquid letting the warmth travel down my body. New body new liver.
One of the many perks of coming back from the dead.
A crap load of alcohol.
I looked over at Leonard who was laughing.
We dismissed ourselves and thanked Iris.
With Barry as our enemy again
Only problem how to sneak into star labs?
"So obviously Quicksilvers not going to help out." Snart stated the obvious.
"I think I've got an idea." I smirked
"Cisco!" I smiled giving him a hug.
"Ashton....." Cisco awkwardly patted my back.
"Wait. You're Ashton, but you're not this Ashton." He smirked.
"Back to the future type stuff." He chuckled same old Cisco.
"So I sort of need something you have." I played with my shirts end.
" Anything...." Cisco smiled.
" I need the gloves."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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