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"Your answers lie with Shiva." Rama told Boston and I.
"Shiva??" Boston screamed calling for someone or something.
And in a snap we appeared to be in another room or dimension. I don't know. That's somebody else's job.
"Boston Brand I see you have brought a friend. However your friends time is not quite up." Shiva looked at him.

"What do you mean not quite up?" I pried hoping for any information.
"You ,were killed causing a tilt in balance,to get home you and Boston must undo what has been done." Shiva stated the obvious.
"Yeah..but how?" Boston questioned as if reading my mind.
"What do you know of a John Constintine?" Shiva inquired.
"Not ,much Barry mentioned him once though...said something about him helping a friend of his." I responded.
"And I know absolutely nothing." Boston added.
"Constantine is a master of the Occult trained in all things supernatural he can help you move on if you contact him." Shiva informed me.
"Well how the hell do I do that?" I questioned the obvious question burning in my mind.
"He is to meddlesome Constantine cause a ruckus on earth he will come." Shiva told me.
"Boston can wait with you but he must leave before Constantine senses him. You must go to this address get they're attention they are a friend of Constantine he will come to they're aid." Shiva continued handing me a piece of paper.
"There are no guarantees on where you end up." Shiva warned.
Boston did this cool ghost thing where he teleported us to the location.
"Look she said cause a ruckus right? I am one of few ghosts with the ability to possess the living.If I can Borrow this." Brand reasoned looking at a husky drunken looking man.
"Wait ,wait a second This Constantine is friends with Francis "Chas" Chandler? The bassist for The Animals .... I loved their music. We can't just Possess him!" I may have Flipped a bit.
"Look you want to survive right? It's borrowing okay." Boston sighed.
"Fine. But I'm not thrilled about it." I retorted.
Boston jumped into Chas's body while Chas was unaware.
Boston used Chas's body to call Constantine placing him on speaker.
"What the Bloody hell do you want?" Constantine complained.
"Look it's not Chas my name is Boston Band .... I'm a  ghost. Not a nut. Google me if ya don't believe me. Anyway I got a bit of a problem. It's my job to keep the balance between the dead and the living ,and well I'm here with someone who wasn't supposed to die... How are you at resurrecting the dead?" Boston Chas hybrid wondered.
"Why should I trust you ..... Boston ?" Constintine wondered.
"Her name was Ashton,Ashton Revenant do some research on her and how she died then get back to me ." Boston was pretty convincing.
"Fine, I'll be there ,I'm guessing she's separated from her body, which isn't a problem it just makes things more complicated.I'll be there in an hour ,try not to annoy me....Oh and if I find out your not what you say you are I will not hesitate to exercise you mate." Constantine warned

____________________________________________________________It had been two hours of just chatting with Boston

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It had been two hours of just chatting with Boston.... When we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Boston,Chas hybrid opened it to reveal a Blonde guy. Like a hot blonde guy. Hello Constantine...
"Okay so you can bring people back from the dead?" Brand questioned the British guy.
"Not without consequence,mate. If I do this ghosts ,angels ,and demons alike are going to want her, when I bring her back her soul will be as pure as a baby's and that's rare. Everyone's going to want a piece." Constantine continued.
Constantine started saying things in Latin .
I could feel myself growing weaker.. I muttered Thank you Boston before I blacked out.
I woke up on a couch in Chas's room.
I could feel things!!! I could feel the couch and smell the air! I was alive! Really truly alive! I opened my eyes.
Constantine was standing next to the couch.
"Welcome, back love." He started.
"Now just a warning, I wouldn't move for. Bit, being resurrected is a bitch." Constantine finished lighting a cigarette.
"Can I ask her why the HELL her friend possessed me?" Chas was pissed.
"Sod off, or at least wait for her to wake up!" Constantine scoffed.
"It's friend serves some chick named shiva ...and protects the balance of life and death and stuff...." I shrugged
"Oh and she's mythical." I added.
" Oh so your little buddy serves the TOOTH FAIRY!" Chas retorted.
"Once you're up on your feet do you have somewhere to go?" Constintine diverted the conversation.
" well they sold my house but, I think I have an idea."  I told him.
3 days later I said my good byes and left Chas and Constantine. I walked out the front door into a café looking up houses in Gotham ....that's where things got interesting.
Okay so next chapter goes into the Legends of tomorrow storyline yaaaaayyyy!
Thanks everyone for reading you are all awesome
Who do you ship Ashton with?


Or Cisco?

Let me know thanks for being Amazeballs.

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