The Past

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Finding Out Your Destiny

By Starswim

Plot: Melanie Parker wished to have adventure and excitement in her life. Her wish came true finally came true, when Barbossa's crew arrives at Port Royal. To survive the life of piracy, she must become a pirate herself. During her journey, she uncovers a piece from her past that was the key to her destiny. What is her destiny? Will she choose the life of piracy or not? One way to find out...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that belongs to Disney and POTC except my OC

A/N: I was going to write this fanfic about two fangirls being transported to the POTC world, but I changed my mind. I wanted to try something different. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story.

Ps. This story is already complete in my other site - check it out on

Chapter I: The Past

Aboard the Princess, a young, twelve-year-old girl was ready to set sail toward the Caribbean. She was dressed up in non-lady like clothing with her auburn hair pulled back to a low ponytail, hoping that she was believed to be a boy. Why? So that she could sneak in passing ships and do work that women wouldn't normally do. The young girl was traveling alone with no family nor a friend to accompany with. She was the only child on the Princess... at least she thought she was.

As the Princess began sailing, the girl noticed a young, dark haired boy, who looked like the girl's age, watching the horizon in front of him. The girl stood next to the boy and watched the horizon with him. "It's beautiful, isn't?" the girl finally spoke.

The boy looked at her and smiled, "It certainly is." There was a long awkward pause, until the boy began a conversation, "W-What's your purpose here?"

The girl glared at him awkwardly before answering, "Um... I'm actually passing through."

"Oh. Where are you going?"

"No where important." The girl asked curiously, "What's your purpose here?"

"I'm looking for someone."


"Someone important to me, you don't know him."

"Understandable..." the girl looked at the boy and can tell that he hadn't eaten anything in a while. So, the girl opened her bag and got out a red apple for the boy, "Apple?"

The boy looked at the juicy tempting apple before shaking his head, "No thanks."

"You sure? I got plenty in my bag."

"I couldn't."

The girl smirked and rolled her eyes, "It's not like I poisoned it or anything."

The boy gave out a small chuckle, "I know. It's just I can't take it from a stranger."

"Well, you're talking to me, aren't you? How about this, we'll tell each other our names, and that would not make us strangers."

The boy nodded, "Okay. You first."

The girl smiled, "Fine." She looked behind her to make sure no one was nearby or listening to her. So far no one was paying attention to her, just controlling the ship. "I'm Mela- uh- I mean Marty... I'm Marty Parker."

The boy looked at her confusingly, "Marty Parker?"

She nodded, "Yeah." She began talking with a deep male voice, "Marty Parker."

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