You Will Pay

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Chapter XIX: You Will Pay

Disclaimer: read chapter I

"Daughter..." Barbossa whispered. "I feel... cold."

Melanie kissed her father's knuckles, giving his hand warmth from her warm breath.

"I love you, Dad!" Melanie whispered against his hand, "I love you. I love you! I love you!"

Her father's lips slightly curled not into his normal smirk, but a smile. A tiny, barley noticed smile, but it was there. Unfortunately, that was the last movement he made, before his grip on Melanie's hand loosened.

Melanie looked up at her father's corpse, once she felt the loss of his grip. There was no light in his eyes. He was truly gone.

"No," Melanie denied, shaking her head, "Dad, no... Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!"

Tears welled up in her eyes, kissing his knuckles once more.

"Come back! I love you! Come back to me! I love you! I love you, Dad! I love you! I love you!" Melanie repeated the sentence over and over. Jack, Will, and Elizabeth all stared at the father and daughter, couldn't believe what they're witnessing.

Will and Elizabeth never believed that Barbossa was really Melanie's father, but after what they saw, they had a change of heart. Will Turner and Jack Sparrow murdered Melanie's father.

Seeing Melanie breakdown, caused Elizabeth to cry as well. She hated to see her sister in this state. This was upsetting. She found out that another person close to her was a pirate, and her best friend murdered her sister's father. She had a feeling that they couldn't go back to the way it was before. It was impossible. Their lives would never be normal.

Jack stared at the scene emotionlessly. He leaned back against the golden hill and put his pistol back in the holster.

"Melanie," Will whispered, "I... I am so sorry."

Melanie's sobs became silent. She placed her father's hand on his chest, looking at her friend in the corner of her eye.

"You're sorry?" she asked with a dangerous tone in her voice.

Will nodded, "I am. I didn't know-"

"Know what?!" Melanie demanded, "That he wasn't my father?" She slowly stood up, "I told you. I didn't lie. He was my father... and you took him away from me."


She whirled around and sped over to Will, pouncing on him like a lion. Will didn't miss the infuriated fire in her eyes.

"YOU DID THIS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" she screamed as she threw punches at anywhere that hurt, "You took his life! I hate you! You lying, sick, son of a bitch! You're a murderer! Traitor! You're a liar! LIAR!"

"Melanie!" Elizabeth grabbed Melanie from behind, pulling her away from Will, "Melanie, stop it!"

"You backstabbing BASTARD!" Melanie screamed at Will, who kept a safe distance from the angry red head, same with Jack.

"It had to be done, love," Jack told her softly.

Melanie send daggers at Jack, who lifted his arms up in surrender.

"You hate him!" Melanie struggled against Elizabeth's grip, "YOU ALL HATE HIM! You son of a bitches!"

"Melanie, calm yourself!" Elizabeth pulled Melanie against her into a hug, "It's alright!"

Finding Out Your DestinyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz