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Hermione's POV

Here I was once again. I was going back to my favorite place on earth. I could finally finish my education. During the war the thought of finishing had been itching away in the back of my head, at least, when I wasn't running or trying to survive or saving the lives of my friends. But now i can get back up on my feet and finish the thing that mattered most to me: education.

"Now you'd better write every bleeding day, Ronald Weasley!" I said crossly to my boyfriend as I gave him one last tight hug.

"Blimey, should I just show up in the common rooms fireplace? That'll put you more at rest." he joked. I slapped him playfully on the arm and gave him one last good bye kiss.

"I love you 'Mione," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, my king." I smiled. His ears reddened as I walked toward the scarlet train, Ginny in tow after giving Harry a friendly and long good bye. When we were on the train and we started to move, Ginny and I stared out the window, seeing that our boyfriends were running next to the train and blowing kisses. We laughed at their cheesiness and blew a few back.

"Want to find a seat somewhere?" Ginny asked me after we watched them disappear from view. "Sure," I replied.

Now I knew what Harry probably felt like. Every compartment contained an excited and curious student that wanted us to grab a seat with them. We finally found a compartment that was empty except for someone who I found much more ideal to sit with: Luna.

"Hello," she said a little vaguely, but also a little happily. "Hey Luna!" we said. As london rolled by and the sun started descending we talked and laughed and even gossiped. This wasn't something I wasn't really practiced in, since I had two boys for best friends.

"So how're you and Neville doing?" said Ginny. Luna's expression changed slightly to sadness. "Oh, we've broken it off." she said a little gloomily. "WHAT?" Ginny said surprised. "But you two were so cute!"

"I know. I felt like we were too...awkward." she said with her normal dreamy voice, but with a hint of sadness. I felt bad for her and Neville, but I had found a new respect for luna then. She might have unrealistic beliefs in strange creatures, stories, and legends, but she wasn't stupid when it did came to the real world.

"Won't it be exciting for us now that we're all in the same year?" I asked trying to break the tension. It seemed to work because we continued talking about the exciting possibilities of all of us being able to spend more time together.

When we saw the castle come into view, we decided to change into our robes. As I went to get my robes from my trunk, I saw one of the strangest things. I saw what I thought was a big blue the air. It was tumbling through the air and seemed to be falling towards the castle. As I saw one of the sides opening up, it disappeared behind a passing tree and then the box was gone.

"You alright?" Ginny shook me back to where I was. "Yeah! Fine." I replied. I changed into my robes quietly as I thought about what I just saw. I could have sworn I saw a man open the box from inside.

We'd finally pulled up to Hogsmeade station and gotten off the train and found a thestral drawn carriage together. Back in fifth year, I thought it would be exciting to see one of the winged horses, but thinking about the reason why I could see them now made me sad. Thinking about everyone close to us who had been lost hadn't helped anything during the summer, especially for the Weasley family. I had never seen Ron so depressed, Mr. and Mrs looked more gray than ever, and I never saw George come out of his room.

"So how are you and Ron and you and Harry?" Luna asked us. We both blushed and smiled like idiots. "Pretty good." we both replied through our stupid grins. There aren't many people who can make me giggle and smile stupidly, and never before had Ronald made me look like a dumb girl, but after the war and after this summer, I can't help the butterflies that go through me when I think about him.

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