The old Gang

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Hermione's POV

"And then we ran back to make sure what she only saw the eyes," I said to Ron and Harry from the fireplace in the living room of the Burrow. I had no idea how uncomfortable having your head in a fire place is, but hey it was the quickest way of talking to the boys.

"She's sure that's what she saw?" Harry asked.

"Positive. She shrieked at me," I said.

"Well, that's definitely weird," Harry said with a contemplative look on his face.

"And what did you say the professor had instead of a wand?" Ron asked from the couch.

"A weird screwdriver that lit up at the end," I replied.

"What's a screwdriver?" he asked. God, how is it possible that he's able to make cluelessness adorable.

"A muggle tool," Harry said dismissively. "And what did he do about it?" he asked me.

"Nothing. He ran to his office and told us to go back and study. Can you believe that?" I asked. I was still weirded out by that. What teacher that knows of a crisis happening in the school doesn't do anything about it?

"I know, the nerve of a teacher telling you to study." said Ron with a smirk.

"You're not funny Ronald!" I said, kind of flirtatiously.

"Alright you two now's not the time," Harry interjected. "I don't think it was the basilisk."

"Well why not?" Asked Ron.

"Do you remember what happened to Nearly-Headless-Nick when he looked at the basilisk? He was petrified just like all the other victims. If myrtle saw what she thought she saw she would have been petrified too."

"That's what I think too, but I can't think of anything that would look that much like a basilisk. And do you know what else was weird? Professor smith said that if he explained anything to me it would 'cause a paradox and another tear in the fabric of reality,' like okay, dramatic much?"

"Maybe we had better go over there. We could help investigate," said Ron.

"What if it's too dangerous?" I asked.

"Oh come on Hermione, you know me, dangerous is what we do," said Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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