First week of term

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Ginny's POV

I woke up rather early than what was normal for me the next morning. I saw that in the bed next to me, Hermione was propped up on a few pillows, unsurprisingly reading a book.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." she said jokingly, eyeing my messy hair and crusty eyes and the dried drool coming from my mouth.

"Good morning," I said drearily. "Want to go get some breakfast?" she asked rising from her bed. "Sure I said while attempting slowly to rise from bed and finally got dressed and got my hair to become more tame.

When we'd gotten to the great hall, Professor McGonagall was already passing out schedules to the Gryffindors at the table. "Here you are Miss Weasley, Miss Granger." and handed ours to us as we sat down. "Brilliant." I said disappointingly, "we've got potions, Herbology, and DADA today. That'll be a messy day. And we don't have astronomy until Friday." I said. I wasn't looking forward to DADA because the woman looked lost and not like she was prepared to teach, and this face like she was always annoyed. I was, however looking forward to Astronomy because the guy looked rather... well, exciting. He had an interesting look and an excited look on his face.

When the  owls started flying into the great hall, we noticed two owls flying toward us. Errol and Pigwidgeon. They both landed in front of us. Hermione took pig's letter and read it and smiled the whole time. Oh nice of Ron to give his girlfriend a letter, but the only letter I'm getting is from my parents? Nice Harry. But as I took the letter from my family's owl I saw my name scrawled a different handwriting than mum's. I opened it.

"My dear love,

How are you on this good morrow? I hope you've had safe and comfortable travels and that you've gotten enough rest from your long and harrowing journey.

I hope that cheesy enough. But no, hey Gin. Sorry about Errol, but he was the only one handy to send a letter," - oh crap, I'd forgotten that Harry doesn't have an owl anymore, "so I hope you've not gotten it late. Everyone misses you already of course, but I think I can say I win the competition of missing you most (believe it or not). I hope you have a good term, and I'm holding my promise of writing often.

See? I'm can be reliable.

Write to me if you need anything or if something goes wrong, or just if you'd want to talk to me, I'd like that too.



I laughed at my boyfriend. I was not aware that he could be this cheesy, but I appreciated it. I started writing my response.

"Dear oh cheesy one,

Thanks for the reliable letter, you must think you're so adorable. Hermione and I are also missing  you and everyone else too, but I have to say I miss you more.

I know what you're doing. You're worried, but you don't have to be babe. I think the worst thing that can happen now is for Voldemort's ghost to show up behind a tapestry. I can take care of myself, love. You don't need to race to the rescue this year. I think the weirdest thing that'll happen will have to do with the new teachers, two of them that dress like muggles. But that's the only real weird thing about them.

I love you and I'll try and be safe. Give my love to everyone.



I gave the letter to Errol and the old owl gave me an exasperated look. "What?" I asked him, and he took the letter reluctantly in his beak and flew away. I felt bad for the old thing, but hey, how else am I gonna talk to Harry? Given Harry's history with girls, you'd think it'd be a job dating him. Well, sometimes it is, but that doesn't stop me loving him.

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