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Donna's POV

"What the hell?? I'm workin in Hogwarts. I am a teacher...teachin a bunch of witches and wizards Hogwarts!" I screamed at my friend, half excited half exasperated, in the TARDIS that he had somehow managed to hide in his office, that was otherwise empty excepting a desk and a conveniently sized closet where the TARDIS was concealed.
"Shhh!" he hissed as he ran around the dark and quiet TARDIS. "They cant know that we know that we think this world is different than our own."
"Oh, who's gonna hear me? We're in a closet in a TARDIS. It's just, I never thought I'd have a job this amazing!"

The first day had gone by without too much trouble, a bit of grief from the Slytherins about "looking like a weird muggle" or so I heard them whisper to each other. But other than that I was rather successful at teaching for the first time, even though we had just read from the text book and I hadn't made them use magic. I had stayed up half the night studying the text book for each years class so that I could at least look like I knew what I was doing.

The doctor kept running around the TARDIS. He seemed to be looking for something. He was talking to himself, making complicated calculations and hypotheses and and then smacking his head and going. "Stupid, old, thick doctor."

"Do we have to rush to leave? I mean we are teachers now, we could stay until the year ends." I say comprehensively. He looked at me with that eyebrow raised and a serious face, "We can't stay." he says. "OH why not?" I respond. "The longer we stay, the smaller the hole in the layer between the parallel universes gets. Usually they get larger, but I think on a fictional plane they get smaller, don't want anything else ruining the story. And I can't even think about the thing we were pulled here with and getting that out too."

"Wait, we were pulled with something on the way here?" I ask. He nods. "Is that what that magnetic field was?" He nods again."Maybe they're at a pit stop," he paused. "Or, they're as lost as we are, and possibly more scared than us," his serious face didn't subside.

"Why would they be scared?" I asked.

"Well think about it, do you think aliens from space traveling through parallel universes would be able to tell what this castle even is? They probably wouldn't even know the books exist let alone what world this is."

"How would you know?" I ask, rather stupidly at this point. "They've probably seen them in a shop at some corner of the universe." I say as a joke. He looks at me with a amused twinkle in his eyes, almost laughing, but then his serious face returns as he gets down on his knees to look at the bottom of the TARDIS through the grated metal floor. "The only problem," he says, "well...there are a lot of problems, but this is the main one, I have no idea where the power source to charge the TARDIS is, and even if I do find it, I'm not even sure it will work in this magic environment, or if it will charge fast enough." he smacks the floor and sits down with his arms wrapped around his legs, defeated. "What do you mean? You always know what to do, at least, you don't give up until you do. Whats with this defeated attitude?" I ask.

"Science doesn't apply here. There's no technology, no power, no electricity. The TARDIS isn't made for magic, and the last thing that had a power source to charge it again is gone and possibly doesn't work anymore and I can't...." he trailed off, staring at the side of the console. A light encased in a pod looking thing seemed to be lodged into the side. The Doctor ran to it and whooped for joy. "It still works!" he then moved to pull it from the console and jumped back with it clutched in his hand. "What happened?" I asked.

"It's faint but I think I can make it work!" he exclaims. He held the ball of light in his palm, examining the pale green light. "So what do we do with it?" I ask. "We wait," he responds, "we wait for it to charge up again and we can use it to get back to our dimension."

"Okay how long will it take?"

"Erm..72 hours give or take." he said. "So we don't have to leave right now?" I ask.

"Well...I'd prefer if we left sooner, but I'll take what I can get, so we only have to teach for a few more days. In the meantime," he looks at me and smiles. "Let's go explore Hogwarts." I smile back.

Since we'd had a chance to look around in the castle, but not much of the outside since we had to teach, we went on the grounds and took in the magnificent castle and the breathtaking surroundings. I'd read the books when they'd come out, and I'd never gotten that excited about a book before. Or about going to see the movies based off a book. The hills were just as amazing as the books and movies described. The lake and even the Forbidden Forest were beautiful to look at along with the marvelous towers and turrets of the castle. "I can't believe I'm actually here," I say to the Doctor. "This world is actually real! After a week, I still can't believe it. How is this real? How...Did JK Rowling know this world existed?"

"Well humans don't know this, but sometimes when a story is created, it can morph into time and space and become it's own dimension. It's most successful when it's a story that is widely known and loved. When it has an influence even on the fabric of reality itself," he said.

"What are ya sayin? That time and space itself is a huge Harry Potter fan?" I ask jokingly. "It's always possible," he says, and then winks.

We head back up towards the giant oak doors and go back into the castle. As we walk down the corridor towards the Doctors office, we hear an ear-shattering scream coming from the floor above.

And the running begins.

"What happened?" The Doctor shouts as we barge through the door, sonic screwdriver out. We see Ginny Weasly and Hermione Granger turn with their wands in their hands, ready to attack. They were facing Moaning Myrtle who was staring at the sink in terror.

"IT'S BACK!!!!" She bellows, "THE MONSTER IS BACK FROM THE DEAD!" she said. "

"Whats back from the dead?" ask Hermione and the Doctor at the same time.


Fantastic (Harry potter/doctor who crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang