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Donna's POV

Oh good! We're crash landin', again! Sometimes I wonder if that dolt of a Doctor actually knows how to fly this bleedin' TARDIS.

"What the hell is happenin?!" I asked him over the loud noise that the damn TARDIS makes.

"I don't know! But it's not good!" he shouted as he fiddled with the console while trying not to fall over.


"There seems to be a strong magnetic field pulling us across all parallel universes!" he said, ignoring my cheek. " not possible...!" he said with a confused face.

"What is it?" I asked as I tried to hold onto the console and not fall on my arse. He ran towards the door and wrenched it open. He stood their staring at what was outside, but i couldn't see what he did, and I wasn't going to risk falling out to find out.

Then he ran back to the console. "HOLD ON!" he said as he fiddled with the levers and buttons.

I felt ourselves stop moving through the air and land roughly, and heard a few things crash from outside. Then everything went dark.

"No no no no NO NO!" he screamed and kicked the console. "NOT AGAIN!!"

"Now did that make you feel better, kickin' that?" I asked. "YES!" he shouted back. "Did it hurt?" I asked. "...yes." he replied, and bent down to rub his toe.

"What happened?" I asked. "Where are we?"

"Well...basically...the battery of the TARDIS has died," he replied

"How? Why?" I ask.

"The power it took to make us get here without tearing the fabric of reality drained the power, so now we're going to have to find a powerful enough charge to power it, otherwise we're stuck here and we can't stay here. But where we are, finding that electricity will be almost impossible." he said, his brow furrowing.

"Well, knowin' you, you can find a charge with electricity just about anywhere, even if we were surrounded by cavemen, so whats the trouble?" I asked perplexed.

He looked gravely up at me. "The only amount of power that can drain the TARDIS like this is if it's pulled through millions of parallel universes until it lands on one, it can even land on fictional planes," he said staring at the door.

" where are we?" I asked, suddenly very interested. He motioned to the door to allow me to go take a look. I opened the door in eagerness and stepped outside.

We seemed to have crash landed in a tall tower of a big building. It overlooked a magnificent lake and forest. The remnants of what looked like different telescopes and model constellations littered the floor along with old tattered books and the debris of the tower that was hit and damaged. The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS and looked at me. "Figured it out yet?" he asked, but now he seemed rather excited.

"Umm...scotland?" I asked. It looked like scotland. There were beautiful mountains and we seemed to be in a magnificent castle. The Doctor laughed, "Well... a version of it." he said. Then it hit me...astronomy studying equipment...a large castle overlooking a forrest and a large lake...

"No..." I said starting to smile. He smiled back at me. "There's no way! Am I in Hogwarts?" I asked. "That you are Miss Noble." he replied. I shouted in excitement and went to hug him. He allowed me and when I let go I looked around at how magical it all seemed, and started to wonder if we could go down and have a look, when I heard two footsteps ascend the stairs.

"What in the name of Merlin happened?!" shouted a woman's voice, and as she came into view, I saw that it was Minerva freaking McGonagall! Behind her was a wheezing and almost as exciting Argus Filch. I wanted to jump for joy, but the Doctor would want me to keep casual so that I didn't give us away as strangers, or someone from a different universe.

"OH! yeah, so sorry about the tower, I'll pay expenses later, just thought I'd make an entrance." The doctor said.

"Entrance for what?" she asked/shouted, her nostrils beginning to flare.

"We're the new teachers!" he said like he was telling someone a surprise. I have to say that that was a bit of a surprise for me. "You need a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher don't you? Of course you do you always do, and...oh let me think...what about your astronomy teacher? They went for early retirement right?" How did he even know - oh never mind. I thought to myself.

McGonagall looked abashed and seemed to be trying to take in the Doctors strangeness. "Well, it is true that we did need a new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and astronomy, but the posts have been filled by Professors Wilson and Valentine. And I've met up with them and they are definitely not you." she replied. Damn, and I thought we had a shot of luck.

"Hold on a sec." he said, and went inside the TARDIS. He came back out with two letters in his hand and gave them to McGonagall. "I forgot to send those." he said casually. She opened them and read them with a confused face.

"They've both withdrawn from the jobs?" she asked suspiciously. "That's what they told me." he replied. "Why didn't they write to me first? And what makes you think I'll just hire you out of no where? I don't even remember interviewing you too for the job, " she said. "Really?" he asked and pulled out his handy-dandy psychic paper and put it  in her face. "Because there are our job applications. It says right there we were applicable for the job, and that we were the second best applications you had. You see we're good friends with Wilson and Valentino-"

"*Cough* Valentine" I said under my breath

"-Valentine and they trusted us to pass the message to you that they didn't want the job anymore, and they'd found a job other than this they'd preferred." he lied easier than a teenage boy cheating on his girlfriend. It even seemed to be convincing McGonangall.

"You remember all of this do you?" she asked.

"I do." he said simply.

"Well, it might be getting to that time for me. Loosing my head you know." she said in a dismissive tone. "Well if your the next best teachers then we'd better go down to the feast. The students will be arriving soon." and with that we all made our way down the winding staircase and walking through large corridors filled with moving painting and floating ghosts and everything that had made me excited as a kid.

We'd finally gotten to the great hall. It was just as magnificent as the books described it. As we entered a small group of little kids walked up to the front of the hall to stop and wait to be sorted.

As we took our seats I couldn't hold in my excitement or my nervousness for another minute. "Are you out of your mind??" I asked him as he sat besides me. "Us teach a bunch of magical kids?? When we haven't a speck of magic in us??" he considered the situation. "Well... think about it... I won't really have to teach magic, just stars, and I'm brilliant at that," he said. "Yeah! But what about me??" I asked. "I'll have to teach magic! And about a subject I know nothing about!" he waved a hand at me as the first years started heading up to be sorted. "Just read from a text book and give them the directions it tells them to do." he said dismissively. "Oh well that totally doesn't have a number of things that could go wrong, that made me feel oh so much better thanks." I said with my well practiced snarky tone. "Yeah well thats my job." he said with a smile.

Oh how I bloody hate that man.

Fantastic (Harry potter/doctor who crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang