War of the Gifted

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The arena was silent.  No one dared to speak a word. Why speak when you're about to fight the people you love?  What is there to say? 

Everything was white in the arena. It was like a cylinder room of white. Jaelyn thought it was because the Scientists wanted to see the blood very clearly in this fight.

He's probably right.

All 12 of us stood in a circle, our hands clenched into fists. Some were staring up at the window where the Scientists sat. They say they are just 'examining their experiments' and 'recording their data'. 


They treated us like animals. Like we weren't the same human beings as they were. 

We were as human as they are. We were. 

They thought we would of enjoyed having powers or being able to do what is beyond what a human can perform.

They were wrong. So wrong. 

I, Nadia Winston, want to tell you my story. The story that changed 12 lives. The story of the War of the Gifted. 

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