Chapter 3: The New Us

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Excrutiating pain shot through my body like a lightning bolt.

It felt as if my insides were being torn up as new organs began to replace, which is what I think was exactly happening.

I could hear nothing but my screams.

Garrett said that my body was shaking so hard, that the stretcher I was on almost fell to the ground.

I thought the pain would never end. It reminded me of when I had growing pains when I was a child. I would cry at night, and my Mom would walk in and tell me it was alright.

This was way more painful than growing pains.

My body suddenly felt numb. I couldn't feel anything. No pain. Nothing.

Garrett told me after I had a spazz attack on the stretcher, I became calm and relaxed. Just like what happened to Conner.

I was the total opposite of calm and relaxed.

I was numb, and swallowed in darkness.


Beep Beep Beep

I jolted awake to find myself on the ground in a white room.

"Wh..Whats going on? Conner? Garrett?!" I called out, panicing.


I looked down and found that I was wearing different clothing. They looked like the orange jumpsuits that people had to wear in jail, but these were white.

My vision was more clearer and focused easily. I could feel an adrenaline rush inside of me as I stood up.

I looked around cautiously. Everything in the room was white. The floors, the walls, everything. The only thing that stood out were the block-shaped walls that were formed in a type of maze.

I was at the entrance of it.

"Oh no...please no..." I began to cry. I don't know why, it just happened.

All the memories have come back to me. The pain, the kidnapping.

"Please solve the maze." A robotic voice called from no where.

I quickly stopped crying and looked around. Anger rised in me.

"Who are you and where are you!?" I yelled, doing a 360 degree turn.

"Please solve the maze." The voice called again from a hidden intercom.

"Oh yeah? And what if I don't?" I protested, folding my arms.

The voice didn't respond.

I could feel the ground shake underneath my feet. A loud sound came from behind me, as if something was rolling towards me.

Rolling towards me.

A huge rock was rushing towards at full speed, like in a Indiana Jones movie.

My eyes widened as I finally ran inside of the maze, not wanting to get squished by the rock.

It was so coincidental that the rock could fit inside of the maze.

I ran for my life through the long narrow side of the wall block until I turned around at the first turn.

There was a huge rock in my way, and there was no way that I could get through.

The roar of the rock was coming closer.

"HELP!" I screamed, trying to push the rock, but there was no success.

I stepped back and stared at the rock, trying to figure out a strategic way to get my way through, but I couldn't. I gripped my hands into a fists and thought hard.

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