Chapter 2: The Laboratory

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Beep Beep Beep

I opened my eyes and was almost blinded by the bright white light above me.

We were in a room that looked sorta like a hospital room but much bigger. Everything was white, and there were a bunch of tools in the front by the double doors. 

It looked like a room where Scientists did experiments. On humans. 

"And my first thought was: You would be the perfect experiments."

 It felt like I was strapped down to a stretcher type thing and my hands and feet were held down by some kind of cuffs. I quickly shut my eyes, fear rising in me. Everything was coming back. The memories of hiding in the corner were rushing in my mind like a movie playing. 

The man with the red eyes. The fear in everyones face. 

Beep Beep Beep

"Ohhh..." Someone groaned next to me. 

I moved my head a bit to the side and slowly opened my eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to focus, but the person next to me was Conner. He was lying on the same kind of stretcher I was on. His feet and hands were held down by metal cuffs. He seemed to be aware of everything now because he started to struggle. 

I lifted my head up and grimaced in pain instantly. 

A sharp had pain shot through my head and I leaned back onto the stretcher. 

"N-Nadia?" A voice said hoarsley.

It was Conner. 

"Huh?" was all I could say.

I could hear him laugh weakly. It wasn't a humourous laugh. More like a relief laugh. "Just seeing if you were there. You see anyone else?"

"I can't move my head." I admitted, taking deep breaths. 

He turned his head and stared at me. "You must of had a hard fall or something." 

"Maybe." I said quietly, the pain going away easily. 

Conner was looking around the best he could. "It seems that only me, you, and Garrett are in here. Garrett is still knocked out." 

"Whats going on? Where is everyone?" I finally asked, my voice cracking. 

He stayed silent of a bit, then finally said: "I don't know, Nadia. But whatever happens, we all got each other." 

We all got each other. 

He was right. Wherever we were, it must of been far away from home. The only people that we got is our classmates.

The people who we just thought of as "academic acquaintances" are much more than that.

We all got each other.

I smiled a bit, which felt good because after all we've been through, I haven't smiled one bit. 

"So how do we get out of here?" I asked, shifting around, trying to get comfortable.

"We don't. We wait." He replied casually. 

After a few minutes of silence, the double doors swung open.

My heart stopped and I shut my eyes quickly. I don't know why I did this, but it was just a reaction. I didn't want to see the faces of these people that scarred us for life. 

"It seems that they are still knocked out." A deep voice grumbled. 

"Do we have to wait until they wake up, or can we just do it now?" A womans voice impatiently said. 

I could hear footsteps walk right up to my stretcher.

Click Click Click 

"Ah..this one seems to be bluffing." The womans voice whispered. 

Its like I could hear her smile as she spoke those words. 

I held my breath. Mixed emotions were running around.  

The man walked up behind the woman. 

"If you won't wakey wakey, I'll wakey wakey for you." He grumbled.

"Hey! Hey!..I'm awake." Conner said abrubtly. 

I opened my eyes a bit to find the man and the woman turn around towards Conner.

The man was a big guy, who reminded me a bit like Hagrid from Harry Potter. 

The woman, however, had her auburn hair neatly tied into a bun. She wore a grey pencil skirt with a white blouse and a long white labcoat. She looked like she was in her mid-30s. Her black high heels clicked as she strutted towards Conner, the big man following behind her as if he was her little puppy. 

Click Click Click.

"Well how are you young man?" She asked him with a fake gentleness. 

 Conner stared at the woman with cold, hardness. "I'm a little tied up." 

The woman laughed lightly and walked around the stretcher to the other side. "Morris, would you mind using the needle now? I think this young man is ready."

The big man, Morris, grumbled and nodded. He walked over to the counter of tools in the front of the room. He put on some gloves and filled up a needle with fluids.

My eyes widened and I quickly looked over at Conner.

He didn't move, he didn't even react. "Mind if I ask what the needle is for, mam?" He asked, nonchalantly.

"I don't think you need to know." She replied ethusiastically as Morris handed her the needle. 

That was when Conner started to struggle.

"Let us out of here!" He blurted out. "We did nothing wrong!"

This seemed to entertain the woman cause she was laughing as if this was a game. 

"Relax, this will only take a second." She whispered with delight, and jabbed the needle into Conner's neck.

I turned away, I didn't want to see what happened.

Instead, I got to hear everything. 

Conner screamed in agony. I could hear him shaking violently in pain, the stretcher moving everywhere. Garrett had waken up quickly when Conner screamed and he started to panic.

"What did you do to him!?" He yelled, panic rising in his voice. 

I looked quickly over at Conner. His whole body was shaking and he was clenching his fists so hard that his nails dug into his hand and they started to bleed.

"Stop it! Please!" I screamed, not wanting to watch. 

My eyes were closed tightly during the whole thing, until I finally heard Conner calm down. I slowly opened my eyes to find his body still. His eyes were closed and his fists were relaxed.

"Oh man, Conner..." Garrett whispered, frowning. 

The woman laughed and walked right towards me. She smiled deviously. 

"Now its your turn." She whispered, and jabbed the metal needle right into my neck. 


Sorry for the short chpater everyone! Been kinda busy throughout the week. Hope you like it.

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