A Premonition

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Hmm... That's weird. I could've sworn I treaded this path before already.


I think I'm lost...

"Ah, whatever! I'll just walk around until I get out of this forest." I try to lift my spirits up and walk around the forest.

I wonder if I shouldn't have followed that weasel that was running away from me.

"Fritz? What are you doing here?" I heard Minori's voice and my insides just felt super light. "Oh, Minori! Fancy meeting you here! Are you lost too? It's hard to figure out which way to go around here, huh?"

"Oh, no, not really. I was just on my way back to the farm when I saw this injured rabbit who ran to me for help." I take a look at the small white rabbit in Minori's arms. "You're the type who attracts animals, huh? Usually, I'd get attacked."

I've never had quite a good memory when it comes to animals. Dogs, cats, mice, bulls, weasels, they all seem to hate me for some reason.

"Oh, why don't I accompany you then? I don't have much to do and I wanna help." and so that I could get out of this forest...

"Oh, sure. Why not." I follow Minori's lead and we finally got out of the forest.

Man, she sure does know her way around here. Well, I s'pose since she lives near here, she has to come across this forest everyday.

When we got in her house, she let me sit on a chair and I helped her bandage up the injured rabbit.

"Aaaaand that's about it. It's a good thing she came to me for help or the wound would've have gotten worse." Minori pets the rabbit and it licks her as a sign to show its gratitude.

Minority excused herself in order to return it back to the wild and then came back.

"You're so awesome, Minori! Animals really like you, huh?" the rabbit seemed so calm when it was with me Minori. I was just in complete awe.

Minori went to the kitchen and brew some tea. "It's been like that since I was young. I guess I just have a natural affinity with animals. Is tea alright with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine but I heard some Granny Eda that people who naturally attract animals are ones who are kind and good at heart. That must mean that you have a very pretty heart, right?"

"Oh, that's not true." Minori protests. She walks slowly to the table and lays down the tray of the tea set and also a plate of cookies. She then pours me and her a cup of rose tea; which by the way, is Giorgio's kind of tea. "You also have a wonderful heart, Fritz. You work hard, do your best, live your dreams, and help people regardless of your health. And I admire you for that." she says as she takes a bite out of her cookie.

"R-really?" No one has ever really complimented me like that before. I'm kind of embarrassed.

"Minori, did you tear your clothes on something? I see a small hole in them, right there." I grab hold of her sleeve and show her the tear on her blouse's shoulder.

"Oh, I must've tore it when I was going around the trees in the forest." she examines the tear.

"Housework's like a hobby of mine, so I'll have it stitched up in a huffy!" I took a seat beside Minori, took out my nifty sewing kit and began to stitch the hole of Minori's shirt. "Don't move too much, okay? You might get stabbed."

"Uhh... umm... Yeah. S-sure. You're kind of close though."

"'Scuse me, Minori." I come even closer and surprise her for a moment.

I bite odd the thread that I used and pat her shoulder. "...There we go, all done!" the stitch looks fine to me. "Good as new!"

"Oh, wow. It looks like it didn't even have a hole in the first place. You're good!" Minori seemed unexpectedly amazed at my job well done.

Half Filled Love (Harvest Moon Story Of Seasons Fritz X MC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now