For You, I'll...

647 25 16

Okay, this will be the day. The day when I confess to Minori...!

I steel my self and take a few deep breaths before attempting to knock on her door.

When I strengthened myself, I proceed to knocking on her door. "Okay, I'm ready." I say to myself. "Minori? Are you-BWEH!" The door flew open and pushed me to the ground.

"Hurry, hurry!!" Minori came running out of the door. Even when running in panic, she still looks so angelic.

I stare at her for a few minutes before she disappears into the forest.

...Huh? I feel like I'm forgetting something...

"Ack!" I slap my forehead.

I missed my chance!!!

And I was so ready to confess to her! I practiced really hard the past few days. I readied my confession, my tissues; if I get rejected, which is most likely to happen but ah well. I've been rejected many times already, I might have gotten immune to it by now.

I imagine a series of events that would come after Minori rejects me if by chance I confess to her.

1. She starts ignoring me.
2. She starts being awkward.
3. She stops being awkward.
4. Pretends like nothing happened and gets a cool guy like Raeger as her boyfriend.
5. I might get awkward around them.
6. Cry myself to sleep.
7. ...

I don't think I wanna think about what happens after that. I can already feel a stabbing pain in my chest area. I might not be as used to getting rejected as I thought. Then again, that was just in my imagination too...

But, Fritz. What if, just, what if Minori DOES answer back to my feelings and we become a couple? I'd give her a ring, we'd go on dates, we'd do couple stuff, we care for the farm together, and we think about our future. Hot doggie, that sounds amazing... My heart is starting to beat faster.


Oh, that's right! I haven't gotten a ring yet! I should hurry and buy one now!

I suddenly get all excited and run to the store to buy a ring when I stopped in my tracks.

Dangnabbit, I just spent all my money again... How am I gonna confess to Minori without a ring? It'd just look half-hearted if I confessed without a ring.

But then, I'd still have to work harder and tighten my budget in order to buy a ring...

I think of the consequences for the two situations. Either I don't starve to death or make Minori my girlfriend.

'Minori, will you be my girlfriend?" I hand over the couple ring and Minori stared at it with shock and then tears slowly poured down from her face. Of course, they're tears of happiness.

'Oh my gosh, Fritz. That's so sweet... I... I...' she couldn't find any words and hugged my tightly then smiled at me. 'I... I will! Please let me be your girlfriend...!' and then our lips touch and that would seal the deal. We would officially become boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Minori... I love..." I continue day dreaming.

"You love what, Fritz?" The person herself popped up in front of me. Seems she was just on her way back to the farm.

"Winter!" I blurt out in surprise. "Isn't winter great? We get snow, cold days, hotpot, cocoa, ice skating... there's so many awesome things in winter, am I right?" I nudge her shoulder and she shrugs. "Yeah, I know, I know. That's like, the 78th time you've said that since winter arrived, which was only 5 days ago."

Man, I should really buy her a ring. I want to be able to see her smile when she receives it and wears it everyday. That would be so sweet.

"But think of all the luxuries! You don't have to feel too hot to buy water or air conditioning or somethin' and you don't have to plant that many- Oh God." I slap my forehead.

Half Filled Love (Harvest Moon Story Of Seasons Fritz X MC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now