Sick Day

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"Mmmgh... Ahh..." I squint my eyes and open them slowly to see a bright light in front of me.

"Where am I... " I think I've seen this ceiling before but I don't remember.

I turn to my side and see Minori sleeping peacefully on a white bed next to me.

At the sight of her strangely sleeping, it brought me to my senses and I got up.

I looked around and saw a light blue curtain spread out and I can't see where I am.

White and blue...... This place is...

"It's the clinic." Raeger emerged from the blue curtains in front of me.

"Raegs!" I say his name louder by accident.

"Shh!" he karate chopped me and pointed at a bed not too far from mine. Minori twitched but immediately went back to her soothing sleep.

"What happened...?" I don't have any clue on why I ended up in the clinic with Minori at all...

Raeger took a seat near my bed and sat there. "Well, I was walking around the forest for inspiration and wanted to see what Minori was up to."

"And what do you know?" Raeger glared at me. "I see two figures laying lifelessly in the cold snow! My heart almost stopped when I saw you two on the ground like that!" he karate chopped me yet again. "Do you know how worried I was to see two very dear people to me fainted in the cold? I was so panicked that I gained this adrenaline and carried the both of you at the same time to the clinic. Luckily, the doctor said that you two only have a fever and when you both wake up, you can go back to your homes and rest up for maybe one to two days."

"One to tw-no!" I shouted on impulse.

"Aghh... Shut up!!" A girlish voice exclaimed as she got up and threw a pillow directly at my face.

"Bwuh!!" I screamed as the pillow impacted my face.

"People are trying to sleep and... Ugh." Minori wobbled slightly and placed a hand on her mouth as if she was about to puke.

Raeger stood up and went to her side, pushing her chest gently to let her lie back down. "Minori, you should rest. You have an incredibly high fever."

She gets a nice, caring smile but I get karate chopped on the head?!

"What... Oh? I'm in the clinic?" she was still a little out of it but her eyes widened the moment she said: "Wait, what about Fritz?! Is he okay?!"

Minori looked distressed as she flipped her head all around the clinic, looking for something--someone. When she locked eyes with me, her face was filled with worry and relief. One that made my heart beat faster and I knew that it wasn't because of my fever.

"Fritz..." she said with the loveliest voice, even though it was quite hoarse. She said my name which was full of nothing but concern and care. "You're okay... You're... Okay..." she breathed.

I think I fell in love all over again.

She was as sick, probably even more, as I was but she didn't mind herself and the first thought that came to her mind was my well-being.

She's so full of love. I'm glad to have fallen in love with her. But not glad at all that I screwed up my own confession...

I smiled at her faintly and hung my head low, remembering how uncool I was at that moment.

"Fritz?" Minori slowly and weakly stood up with Raeger assisting her and telling her gently to remain in bed but she didn't listen as she walked over to me and sat on the same bed beside me. Her eyes full of life, she asked me: "Are you okay? Did something happen? Are you still feeling unwell?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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