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February 3rd

Yesterday and the day before had been filled with news reports of just how amazing Hero Man was. He stopped the villain. Hooray. But Elly was sick of how they constantly showed Hero Man coming to her rescue.

Elly didn't need to be saved!

She had already calculated the speed of the car and the amount of resistance it would meet due to the concrete wall, streetlight, power pole, as well as the building. Elly had then moved at a safe distance accordingly. She was about to take another sip of her coffee when something ran into her: Hero Man. He made her spill coffee on her new shirt! Elly was about to cry.

So, she quickly (purely out of politeness) thanked Hero Man and ran into the bathroom... but not before a few people had already taken a few pics.

She would get phone call after phone call. "Omigosh are you, like, dating Hero Man?!"

"No," Elly would reply then promptly hang up.

It was with dread that she answered her door. She screamed when she opened the door, then shut it again. Looks like she would call in sick.

Hero Man was there at her door.

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