*6 years later*

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*Reader POV*

I packed up all my belongings, stuffing the jewel I saved into a small duffle bag.  I picked up my journal and carefully wrapped it and hid it in my duffle.  I had also put the gifts for my friends into a different bag.  I hugged all the friends I had made while I lived there and left without looking back.  Instead of teleporting I took my time to enjoy the senery around me.  It took me several weeks to reach Magnolia, because I had to stop and rest frequently.  When I did make it I smiled.  I carefully made my way towards the guild, since I was still wounded from my last mission.  

I began to get nervous when I reached the guild.  I stood in front of the double doors, to scared to go in.  I nervously swallowed and rubbed my sweaty palms against my things before I reached for the doors.  I slowly reaached out and with one last nervous swallow I opened the door.  When the door closed behind me everyone fell silent.  I carefully made my way towards the bar everybody's eyes on me.  Mira was the first one to see my face and she dropped the plates she was carrying and ran towards me.

"Y/N you're back we've missed you!!" she shouted and hugged me tightly.  I winced and said "Mira, it's good to be back, I've missed you guys to but you've got to be careful I'm still wounded."  When she let me go I nearly crumpled to the floor since my leg gave out, but Mira caught me.  "Come sit down" she said as she wrapped an arm around my waist, slinging my left around her neck propping me up.  We made it to the bar, where I sat down and she got back behind it picking up the broken shards of dishes.

When she was done she put her hands on her hips glared at me and said "You scared everyone half to death when you left.  We thought you were dead."  I sighed and said "I know but I couldn't say anything about where I was going or why I was going.  I was under contract."  "Tell me" she demanded and everyone became quiet so they could hear my story.

Fairy Tail GajeelXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now