The Future

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~*4 months and 2 1/2 weeks later*~

I cupped my hands arond my mouth shouting "Come on Gajeel!!! You can do it!!!  You can beat that pink haired flame-brain, and that ice princess in your sleep!!!" I held my giant belly as I cheered with the rest of them as Natsu, Gray, Jet, Erza, and Gajeel raced towards the finish line for 3rd place.  I was a little sad for not being able to join the race but I was happy just sitting there holding my belly as I cheered my barbarian on.  When he finally made it, he made last place along with Natsu, Gray and Jet.  I laughed when I heard the punishment and watched them run.

I got up and started waddling after them shouting "You can't leave me here you barbarian I'm carryng the next generation!!!"  Suddenly Gajeel ran back towards me picked me up and growled "Your a pain you know that."  "I know that but you love me anyway" I said with a smile.  I saw him smirk and say "Yes I do don't I?"

~*1 month, 3 weeks later*~

"They look so beautiful up there don't they?" I said to Gajeel as he sat there holding me.  "Maybe after you give birth to our son, you can join them" he said with a smile.  "Maybe" I said and leaned back against him as he began to rub my tummy.  Then I asked "How do you know that its a boy?  It could be a little girl."  "I can tell" he said.  "Oh really how?" I asked.  He was about to answer when someone shouted "And the winner of the Miss Fairy Tail contest is Lucy!!"

Some of us clapped and cheered.  Then Gajeel asked "Ready to leave?" "Yea the baby's kicking, is the room almost finished?" I asked.  "Yes, now all we need to do is wait for you to pop.  Speaking of which wen are you going to pop him out and share my bed?" he said.  "Gajeel!!" I said and punched his arm as he laughed.  Then I said "About a month and a couple more weeks.  The baby should be due near the end of November."  "Good now its time to go home" He said and began to walk towards home.

~*1month and a few weeks later*~

"Gajeel" I said holding my belly as I held onto the guilds bar.  "Yes sweetheart?" he asked as he came up beside me.  "My water broke" I said.  "Oh shit, Oh shit" he said as he picked me up and rand towards the infermary.  He burst through the doors and shouted "My wifes having a baby!!"  Levy popped her head out somewhere and said "The nurse already went home.  How can I help you Gajeel?"  "Levy Y/N's having the baby I need your help" he said.  She quickly stood up and said "I'll help deliver the baby!!"  He nodded and laid me down on a bed.

When Levy ordered him to get some things he didn't hesitate to bring them to her.  "Now go get Erza, Mirajane, and Lucy.  Maybe even Cana if she isn't to drunk to help.  When your done stay out" Levy ordered.  He nodded and left not coming back in when the girls came rushing into help.  "Now let's deliver this now shall we" Levy said with a smile.

*3rd person POV*

Gajeel paced outside the door, punching the walls everytime he heard Y/N scream.  It had been like this for several hours now.  He rubbed his bloody knuckles as he heard her scream again.  The guild was quiet waiting for the news.  The guild was so quiet that he wished that it was loud again so that at least it'd muffle her screams so they wouldn't sound so loud to him.  Natsu stood and walked to his comrade placing a hand on his friends shoulder.  "She and the baby will be fine" He said than nearly stumbled when the Iron dragon turned and faced him.  

The sight of the Iron dragon crying brought Natsu down to an all new low.  But when his friend hugged him tight he could do nothing but pat him on the back.  "I wouldn't know what to do if I lost either of them Natsu.  I'd go crazy" he said.  "She'll be fine don't worry.  Now come down and have a drink with us.  Y/N wouldn't want you to keep busting your knuckles waiting" Natsu said.  Gajeel wiped his eyes and said "Your right Natsu she wouldn't."

Soon all fo them were laughing as they remembered Pantherlily's face when Gajeel asked him to stay and watch Y/N while he went on missions.  Then Gray brought up the time a very 8 month pregnant woman waddling as fast as she could to her husband.  They didn't notice how silent it had gotten.  They didn't notice that the screams had stopped until Elfman said "The screaming stopped."  Gajeel ran up the stairs, stopping when Cana walked out and said "You've got a new baby boy. Congrats."

Gajeel rushed into the room and sighed in relief when he saw Y/N sitting there, holding a blue bundle.  "How's our dragon doing?" he asked as he got on the bed with her watching her hold the baby.  She passed the baby to him and said "Our little dragon is doing fine."  "He's perfect" he said as he gently rocked his child.  "He is just like you" she said kissing him.

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