The Secret

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~*a few days later*~

I woke up seeing Gajeel asleep in a chair beside me.  "Gajeel" I said softly and took the hand that rested on the bed.  He lifted his head and asked "Were you ever going to tell me?" "Tell you what?" I asked puzzled.  "That you had been pregnant" he said softly.  I looked down at my lap and said "You read my letters."  "What letters?" he asked.  "Nothing.  How did you find out?" I asked.  "The nurse told me about it.  Some how she found out about it, probably from the doctor that had treated you before you came here.  So you weren't going to say anything?" he said.

I sighed and said "No.  I'm sorry." He stood up turned to leave the room and said over his shoulder "I might have forgiven you for leaving me.  But this I cannot.  Do not apologize."  "Gajeel I left because I love you.  I left so you could keep your family" I pleaded as he reached for the door handle.  He stopped then growled "If you had loved me at all you wouldn't have left.  You wouldn't have kept this hidden from me.  What mad you thnk that I'd have forgiven you for hiding this information from me? I would've had a child.  I would've been a father and you took that from me.  You didn't even tell me about it, so don't ask for forgiveness because I don't think I'll be able to give it to you" then opened the door and left.

I hid my face in my hands and sobbed.  They weren't gentle sobs either, these were loud, harsh, and ugly.  They showed the suffering I felt, as they echoed in the room.

~*Down at the guild*~

*Mirajane's POV*

I watched Gajeel leave Y/N's infermery room.  He rushed out nearly running me down and then I heard the ugly sounds coming from the room and I quickly made my way into her room.  I saw Y/N crying, her face covered with her hands as she tried to muffle the ugly sobs.  I went to her and hugged her and tried to soother her as the story spilled from her lips.  When she finally fell asleep I went looking for a certain slayer but I couldn't find him.

*Gajeel's POV*

I stormed out of Y/N's room, and headed towards the door.  People got out of my way quickly, to prevent getting shoved out of the way.  I was so angry that she had tried to hide this from me.  I headed towards home and when I got there I glared at the bags I had brought inside, setting them against the table.  I sat down and stared into the fire for a long time.  After awhile I heard my lacrima crystal ringing and I answered it without looking at it.

I heard Mira say "Gajeel I can't wake her up the nurse and Wendy are looking her over now." I quickly got up and rushed back towards the guild.  I slammed into Y/N's room and saw Wendy and the nurse over her.  "Is she okay?" I asked.  The nurse glared and said "And why would you care about what happens to her?"  I tried to stutter an answer but the nurse held up her hand and said "Anyway she'll be fine.  She's just in a deep healing sleep.  I'm sure she needed it after the day she had."  Then she pushed me out of the room and said "You're not allowed back here after what happened.  We don't need you to break her even more when she wakes, if she wakes that is."

I walked back into the guild and sat in a dark corner to think.  Everyone avoided me, and when I had enough I headed back towards home.

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