Chapter 1

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I awoke to someone banging on my door... ugh, five more minutes... then I remembered what happened to the last guy to piss the boss off. Yeah, no. Not making that mistake. As I hauled myself out of bed, I instinctively looked around the dull room, surveying my surroundings. I put on jeans, an oversized dark hoodie, converse, and my mask. Then I put my long dirty blonde hair into a bun low on my head and put the hood up. Just as I approach the door, I quickly reach my hand up towards my chest, assuring myself that I remembered to put on the tight wrap that makes me look almost flat chested. Ya see, no one, not even the boss, knows that I'm actually not a smelly guy. I prefer it this way because the other goons get kind of "lonely" and would definitely not pass up the opportunity to be vulgar and sleazy towards me.

"Hey!" I hear the goon shouting through my door. "The boss wants to see you in his office... like, now." I push the door open and feel a bit worried.. why did J want to see me? I really hope he's not going to "fire" me. That would suck. A weird feeling settles in my stomach when I think of the boss. Yep, I have a crush on my psychopathic boss. I need some serious help.. or at least a chance to hang out with another female. Being around smelly guys constantly is really a drag and I can't even talk to anyone. No one here has ever even heard me speak. I have a feeling that they have decided that I'm a mute or something.... actually, that was a bit of a lie. There is one person here who has heard me speak. She is the only one who knows that I'm female and is my best, and arguably my only, friend. She goes by Ebony, which fits. She has pitch black hair and dark eyes. The only thing really pale about her is her skin. She has the skin tone of some one who spent their entire life in a dark cellar.... Not very far from the truth though. People here just eventually started calling me "Shade" because I'm silent and can easily get by unnoticed... and because I always wear dark clothing.

Hey, people. Sorry about the short , and probably really terrible chapter. I'm still new at writing stories and sometimes I just get stuck in my thought.... "Shade" is kind of styled after me a bit. Hope y'all enjoy!

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