Chapter 2

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As I approached the boss's office, I felt squeamish, but ignored it and knocked, fearing his rage at me being kind of late. I couldn't have been more shocked when he opened the door with a real smile on his face. Not just the scars or the makeup. An actual smile. "Hey Shade, sit down by my desk." Okay, now I am scared. He had this odd look on his face when he said my nickname. "Listen, Shade, we need to talk." I watch him close and lock the door as he says this, and my heart starts pounding faster. It's a miracle that he cannot hear my heart racing.

As he leans on his desk, he starts playing with his infamous switchblade, twirling it around in his hands. "Listen, Shade. I know you haven't been exactly truthful to me and your fellow goons. And I'm gonna be honest, I've never had anyone fool me this well for this long. You've made your way to being my main man through 4 years of fighting and chaos. Chaos is beautiful, isn't it 'Shade?' "
As he says my nickname, his eyes flash to mine and narrow. "Shade, I know you can speak and I know you are not who you show yourself as. Got any dresses Harley can borrow?" This last part he says with a huge smirk on his face. HOW!?!? "Alright, doll, pull that hood down." Sighing in defeat, I pull the hood down and look back up at him. "C'mon, take the mask off.." I reluctantly remove the mask that only one person here has ever seen me without.

When the mask is not covering any of my face, I see a strange look on Joker's face. It's not the craziness I normally see. Nor is it anger. The main expressions of the Joker. I can't help but blush and look down, covering my face slightly. I've never been "pretty" and that was one of the reasons I am so accepting of wearing a clown mask all day. Before long I feel J's hand under my chin, pulling my face up and keeping me from hiding it. I can't help but flinch away from him and his surprisingly gentle touch. When I glance up, his expression is blank mostly, neutral. But his eyes show concern. When I finally look up and into his eyes I feel somewhat dizzy. I could stare into those brown orbs forever it felt like. Then his voice pulled me from my reverie. "Uh.. doll? You alright?" I nod, and then finally speak. "Yes sir." My voice is quiet and shy, but it pulls him up short. "Y-you actually spoke.... so tell me doll, what is your name?" I just stare at him, stunned. Why does he have this interest in me? The real me? I don't understand it, but not answering a direct question from the boss is almost always a guaranteed death sentence.

"My name is... well.. I can't really remember my name. I haven't heard it in so long and have been called so many things that I'm not really sure anymore.." As I finish, I can't stop myself from flinching away from him, worried that my answer hadn't satisfied him and would cause him to be angry instead. He is visibly irritated, but when he sees my fearful expression, he reigns in his anger and his answer surprises me. "That's alright doll, think on it and tell me when you decide. And uhh, this does not leave this room. No one else can know. Understand?!" Nodding frantically, I put the mask back on, pull my hood up, and leave, heading to my room.

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