Chapter 4

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Ugh... I once again awoke to pounding on my door. Is this seriously going to become a regular thing?! Hauling myself out of bed, I feel strong deja vu. Just as I get my mask on and hood up, Ebony bursts into the room. Wow, nice. "S, the boss wants to see you again.. Why?"
Sigh. "I think it has something to do with what we discussed before." As I walk out of the room and down the hallway, I try to ignore her glares of disapproval. I am going to have to deal with more of her lectures later definitely. Walking up to the Joker's office door, I knock. "Hiya doll, miss me?" Hearing his voice behind me, I jump involuntarily. Dammit Joker. "Oh, uh, you wanted to see me?" Turning slowly around to face him, I can't help but admit that he really is handsome, though I know he thinks he's not.
"In here doll, c'mon." He gestures to the door across the hall, definitely not his office. Terrified of the consequences of not following an order, I walk though the door he referred to. Seeing what the room is, I stop short... It's his room. His bedroom. Gulp. "You seem nervous, doll. Why?" He gestures for me to sit, on the purple cloaked bed. Hesitantly, that is exactly what I do. "So, doll, have you thought about your name? What is it?" He gets this look on his face, intrigued. "Lilibeth.. its Lilibeth... my parents wanted me to have a somewhat original name.."
"Cool name, doll, but I'm gonna call ya Lilly. Any objections? No? Good." I couldn't help but grit my teeth at him calling me that.. my parents called me that before.... no, don't think about that. This is now. That was the past.. After a few minutes of struggling, I finally manage to regain some control on my thoughts and emotions. "Hey, uh, doll, take off the mask will ya.. it's just me here and the door is locked." Wait... the door is locked? Why? Now I'm worried.. "uh, ok" is all I can respond with as I remove the mask and pull my hood down, leaving my hair tied up. I feel a jolt of shock as J, the Joker tenderly reaches over and pushes some stray hairs out of my face. The shock must've shown on my face because he immediately dropped his hand and looked away, almost like he was embarrassed.
Wait, that isn't right.. THE Joker, embarrassed? Unheard of.. "I should just, um, go, I guess..." Before I even finish the sentence, his eyes shoot to mine and bore holes in my skull with an intense glare.. "...... or not.." The following silence was so tense and thick that I could practically cut it with a knife. Clueless as to how to diffuse the tension, I just sit there, staring at my hands in my lap, for I don't even know how long. After what feels like an eternity, I feel him shift his weight near me and figure I should stand up because he probably had stuff to do. As I make my way silently to the door, he grabs my arm and yanks me backwards. Before I can make a sound, I feel his lips pressed against mine. They are surprisingly warm and soft and I can't stop myself from pulling him closer.
As suddenly as it began, it was over. His shirt was partially unbuttoned and his suit jacket and tie were on the floor. And I was left with a queasy feeling in my stomach. He silently hands me my mask with a strange look on his face. Quietly, I put it on and slip out into the hallway, heading for my room. Once again, I find Ebony sitting in my bed, waiting for me. She pounces on me almost before I can close and lock the door. "What did he want you for? Why weren't you two in his office?" As I pull down my hood and unzip my hoodie, she gets this strange look on her face. A mixture between disgust, disapproval, smugness, and knowing. "Oohh, I see..." as she winks at me, I glance down self-consciously and notice for the first time that my shirt has a few buttons unbuttoned... and broken... DAMMIT J!!..

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