Chapter 5

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Joker's P.O.V.

Why do I even care?? The Joker can't fall for anyone.. But Jack can. And he's still in here. Ugh, I disgust myself. My internal war is interrupted when someone knocks at the door. Those damn henchmen never learn, do they... I pick up my pistol and walk over to the door, ready to blow the nearly nonexistent brains out of the henchman on the other side. As I open the door, I am surprised to see Lilly... I mean Shade, on the other side. "Hiya doll, whatcha need?" I gesture for her to come in, but she hesitates noticeably before walking in, shoulders slumped. "I know I shouldn't interrupt you like this and you probably don't even care, but..." as she trails off she slowly pulls her mask off. I cannot help the shock and anger I feel at what I see under the mask. Blood, bruises, and cuts. "Who did this?!? I'll kill them!!" She shrinks back at the tone of my voice but I am seeing red.
After a minute or so, I feel her hesitantly place her hand on my shoulder. I place my head in my hands, embarrassed that I let her see that show of emotion. "Why do you even care? You've never cared about anyone else this much if they got hurt. Why am I any different? I've always been a worthless nobody." By the end of her little speech, her voice had dropped to just above a whisper. I try to contain my rage at her statement. At whoever made her feel worthless. I've never felt something like this for anyone... well, there was one girl, but she is gone, and my sanity went with her.
"Trust me doll, you are not worthless. You are the best here. And the only person I trust at all to do a job right." She visibly tries to contain her shock at my statement. I would've found it funny if I wasn't so angry about someone hurting her. "So, I'll ask again. Who Did This To You?!" I instantly feel a shock of something when she flinches at my tone of voice. I can barely hear her reply, it's so quiet. "I-It was.." I can't help the sympathy I feel for her at her fear. Jack go away now. Damn it Jack is becoming a nuisance.. "It was Bram.." I try to control my anger as to not scare her again. Damn it Jack stop it! Stay out of my head! It is obvious that she can see my internal struggle, and I try to force a neutral expression onto my face. "Did Bram say anything to you, doll?" She nods and I gesture for her to continue, to elaborate. "He said you don't like having women around and that you told him to 'have at it'... to help himself to me... and he said that he was gonna have fun with me.. he held me down... and.. held a knife to my throat.." I hold up a hand, silently telling her to stop. She speaks again, but in a soft yet fierce whisper. "I took his knife and stabbed him in the knee and then I ran.." That brought me up short. Not exactly something I would have expected her to do.. "Well doll, it is good that you did that, and it's good that you informed me of this. Because you being a woman is a secret however, I can not just string him up right now, as much as I want to. I'll keep an eye on him to see if he tries anything else.."
She nods and I try not to grimace at my attempt at speaking civilly and like a businessman. She seems to notice and stands up to leave. I decide to just let her go. She quickly puts on her mask and hurries out, closing the door behind her.

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