Chapter 3

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Of course, right when I arrive at my room and close my door, Ebony is right there sitting on my bed. When I notice her, I can't help but jump, startled. "Hey, girl, what happened? You're even jumpier than usual....." I notice that she trails off at the end. Hmm... "Sorry, chica, boss said I couldn't tell anyone." Even though you already knew. I tacked on silently as an afterthought. "Okay, I understand, I guess." Even as she says this, she's making begging puppy dog eyes. "Fine! I'll just get myself killed by a psychopathic clown!" Turning around to make sure I have the door locked so no one barges in on our forbidden conversation. "Okay, so. Stay quiet. Boss found out about this.." gesturing to myself as I say that last part.

"What!?!?" She apparently wasn't listening when I said stay quiet. I quickly cover her mouth, panicking. What if the boss heard her?!?! Once she realizes what she just did, she raises her hands to cover her mouth over my hands. "Shh.shh.shh.shh.shh... I said be quiet. It's not even that big of a deal." She looks almost angry by the time I finish. " 'Not a big deal'?!?!? Do you even hear yourself?! You said the boss found out that you're a girl. This is bad. It's a wonder that he hasn't killed you yet." Ok, now I'm getting really annoyed. "I just want some time to think, E. Please don't tell anyone. And don't let on to boss that you know." She nods once, curtly, and storms out of my room. Great, my one friend is pissed at me. Fucking Fantastic.

With a loud groan, I cover my face with my single pillow. Hey, the boss did give me the rest of today off. Why not catch up on some missing sleep? Before I knew it, I was taken over by unconsciousness.


Joker's POV

Why was I so hung up on Her?! Why can't I get that girl, Shade, out of my thoughts?! I am the Joker... I can't feel stuff like this.. You're still Jack, deep down.... NO. I need to figure this out if I'm going to keep my insanity. Sighing, I hauled myself up and walked across the hallway to my room and collapsed on my bed. My big, lonely, bed. NO!! I am not Jack anymore. I cannot have Jack thoughts. "Ugh no." With these thoughts swirling around dizzily in my head, I fell into a light, tedious sleep.

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