Max X Reader Chapter 7

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My brother showed me over to a bubble and he said it was from my earlier life this one bubble would explian why I felt like I was missing a chunk of my life. My brother pushed me into the bubble and then a flashback began......

3rd person POV
ADAM yelled a girl

Yeah? Said adam

Why are you ignoring me I thought you were my friend I thought you AND y/n were my friends....

NO we would never be your friends you hurt us linsy stop

Noo but I was having fun says "Linsy"

GET AWAY say adam as "Linsy" walks towards us


*PEW* * PEW* someone shot a gun

ADAM! I scream at him

Why...? Says Linsy and she fades away

I watch adam drop the gun and smile he starts laughing

I look at him in horror he then looks at me and says I must protect you but you can't know you then watch as he knocks you out.

Then you are left in darkness again you brother approachs you

Do you understand of what you must do?

You look at him you know what must happen but you don't want to do it

I now let you leave as you know what must be done... he fades away

You wake up in your room, adam is at the head of the bed slightly cursing he sees you wake up and he smiles you look at him in disgust

Adams POV

I was cursing to myself until I saw y/n wake up I look at her and smile im happy my sis is safe but I see her look at me in disgust it's that same look she gave me when I killed our childhood friend...I still felt bad about it but still Linsy was NOT a good influence


Adam spaced out so I took this opportunity to sneak out and drive away I ended up driving to max once I was there I asked him....



Hehehe another cliffhanger ha what do you think y/n will ask max for find out in the next chapter which will be released In 663636 DAYS jk either today or tomorrow also this book has 3 to 4 chapters left so yah awayz my snowflakes byeee ~ winter also killing, abuseing, or hurting anyone in ANY way IS wrong

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