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HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII   I SWEAR IM NOT DEAD! I have just been caught up in life... not dead! yet... I men one day we'll all die... everything you know and love will be.... ANYWAYS WHATTTTT I SAID NOTHIN. OK I admit it I've been caught up in watching Netflix ;-; specifically "The Flash" becuz hes hot AF Anywayysss I'm now writing on a site called Quotev  check it out! my profile is WinterFrost  I'm the one with a pug eating a donut pic :3 ANYWAYS YES I GOT MY OWN COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so becuz of that no promises but in my "freetime" i'll be writing more NO PROMISES THIS YEAR IM IN ADVANCED CLASSES AND THEY GIVE SO MUCH WORK  sooo



Serious Stuff

So I know I kept saying I was going to write again and then I quit then I did it again... its because I was going through stuff... so go to https://www.quotev.com/172572450 for my Quotev account where I explain EVERYTHING in my journal <3 I love you all and thank you for sticking with me through my dark times... when I was depressed and lonely... I feel MUCH better now I have almost straight A's and my parents got me this computer to reflect on my hard work in school. though I have lost friends I also gained some. some that believe in me and embrace the better part of me than the other way round' now if you go to my Quotev account where I explain everything... this boy messed me up.... he made me DEPRESSED and took a chunk of me and my life with him... now those parts that he took from me are growing back... no more anxiety attacks or panic attacks in the shower... no more crying myself to sleep I am my own person and I don't need him... I will be blunt.. I did think about suiciding... but I didn't because that not who I really am... this boy may have taken my honor... pride... kindness... and laughter from me but he DID NOT take my humanity... once again thank you SO much for being with me through my dark times... in Quotev I explain my conversation of when it happened... whenever I felt less than I turned to my friends or Wattpad because you all are so kind and caring... I love you all and never think you are less than for ANYTHING because your friends and family will always be there for you... even if they don't know it

FOR MY FRIENDS:  thank you... you don't know it because only one person knows what happened... I never told you about this boy... but he took a lot from me... you guys helped me.. in ways you can't understand. I know you all think I'm an Emo girl whos tough and can go through anything... who wouldn't even think twice about getting back at someone who crosses her... well on the inside I am unfortunaly human ( yes friends I know we spent a year trying to decide if I was Humaniod or Human I FOUND MY BRITH CERTIFICATE!!) so I have feelings.. I just don't let them show because they are my weakness... I care about people though I may not show It HECK I care about people who I truthfully don't know.. and I always try to give people a second chance and always try to see the best of people.... Thank you for believing in me even when I was pissed... XD thank you.



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