24. On Halloween, you meet your murderer, Tate Langdon, what do you do?

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Aries - You kill him repeatedly to get rid of your anger.

Taurus - You put him in a bin and slam the lid.

Gemini - You ask questions.

Cancer - You walk away.

Leo - You go and ram a fire place poker up his ass as revenge.

Virgo - You cry.

Libra - You get a couple of punches in then you leave.

Scorpio - Kill him and then shout, "Now we're even, bitch!"

Sagittarius - "Prick."

Capricorn - You stick your middle finger up at him and smile sarcastically.

Aquarius - You tease him while the night still goes on.

Pisces - You thank him. Because now you can cause some mischief while you're here.

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