59. Dr. Arden has you in his torture lab, what does he do to you?

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Aries - Removes all of your toes.

Taurus - Takes out your eyes and tongue.

Gemini - Puts cock roaches in your mouth then stitches it up.

Cancer - Stuffs your stomach with dead patient body parts.

Leo - Peels the skin off your face.

Virgo - Stitches your eyes shut.

Libra - Removes all of your fingers.

Scorpio - Tears your spine out.

Sagittarius - Pulls all your fingernails off.

Capricorn - Stitches your mouth shut.

Aquarius - Sews your hands where your feet should be. Then sews your feet where your hands should be.

Pisces - Dissect your brain, while you're alive, slightly.

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