Chapter Three [REVISED]

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      Snowpaw couldn't remember being so scared in her life. A seemingly endless stream of rogues had broken through the wall of ferns covering the camp's entrance, taking out the guards and heading straight towards the nursery. A few warriors had been in camp at that time, but not enough to stop the bloodthirsty cats from trying to kill the queens and steal the kits.

      Green eyes flashing, the small white she-cat leaped at the nearest rogue from behind, swiping its ears with unsheathed claws. Blood flowed from the cuts and into the enemy's eyes, leaving them blind and fleeing from the camp.

      "Fawnkit!" A distressed screech rang out, and Snowpaw turned to see a black queen, Starlingsong, clawing furiously at a rogue that pinned her down while watching another cat carrying away a pale brown she-kit with white speckles, its eyes still closed.

      Anger taking over, Snowpaw hurled herself at the grey tabby tom attempting to leave the camp with the kit squealing in his jaws. His dark blue eyes shone menacingly when he spotted the apprentice flying toward him. He raised a paw to stop her, but Snowpaw ducked and rolled, smashing into his legs and knocking him off balance. The kit was free from his jaws, and Starlingsong, who'd sent the other rogue running, scooped up the small bundle and blinked at the white she-cat in gratitude.

      Snowpaw glanced around. Although many rogues had fled, there were still more waves flowing through the fern walls. Then suddenly a battle cry sounded and in raced Eagleflight, Thistlefall, Beeshade, and Icepaw of ThornClan.

      With the fresh reinforcements, rogues stopped entering the camp, but there were still many swarming about and continuing to attack queens to steal their kits. Snowpaw fixed her gaze on the large tabby she had been previously fighting and dove underneath him, slashing at his stomach. The tom yowled and jumped away, but not before stumbling over the tail of another cat. With his belly exposed, Snowpaw continued to inflict wounds on the screeching cat, eventually pinning down his shoulders in victory.

      Instead of letting the cat go, she decided to question him in order to gain helpful information to take down this band of rogues after the Clan recovered. "What's your leader's name?" She hissed.

      The tom glared in hatred but didn't respond. She dug her claws in deeper, making the cat shriek, then finally give in. "H-her name is Fang. She's the large pale ginger cat with unusually long teeth."

      "And the name of your group of rogues?"

      The cat decided not to test his luck with refusing to answer. "We're the Northern Junkyard Cats."

      Snowpaw realized he was talking about the Twolegplace a day's travel north of the Clan territories.

      "Your name?" She growled.

      "My name?" The tabby snarled in disgust. "My name's Smoke."

      With that, he broke loose of Snowpaw's grip and leaped through the ferns and into the forest.

      The white she-cat noticed another ThornClan patrol had come to their aid and OakClan's hunting and border patrols had returned to fight. Fang, seeing they were now outnumbered, called for a retreat, squirming from her attacker's hold and bounding away. Her followers ran after her in a matter of heartbeats, leaving OakClan alone with ThornClan.

      Twigstep, the medicine cat, ran over with a bundle of cobwebs, handing them to Snowpaw. "I've got no apprentice to help me, so I'll need your help. Just find the most scratched up cat and press these to the worst of their wounds."

      The apprentice nodded, scampering toward a blood-soaked ThornClan tom who was unsteadily licking away some dried blood to expose white fur. "Here." She muttered, applying the cobwebs.

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