Headcanons [2]

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      And here are more headcanons! Sorry if y'all thought this was an actual chapter.

~ The poem thing in the beginning description was created because I wanted to turn those random cliché "I love you" quotes you see on the internet into a Warriors-related thing.

~ The poem is actually really hard to plot this story around, and I sometimes wish I could change it (which I've banned myself from doing long ago).

~ I will always feel guilty for the year-long gap between updates that just occurred.

~ I may or may not have lost all of my notes for this story on an old iPad that no longer works, so I'm just winging this based off my limited memory of what I had planned.

~ From now on I'll be writing chapters way in advance, so waiting will no longer be an issue.

~ Frozenpaw may or may not be my favorite out of the four littermates, with Icepaw close in second.

~ Most of my writing time is wasted on YouTube while most of my school time is wasted writing Blizzard.

~ The previous chapter was actually finished on April 13th, 2017 but I waited to publish it because I'm trying to stay true to my update schedule.

~ I'll be shocked if anyone is actually still reading this story.

~ I secretly think Snowpaw is really annoying and that Frostpaw just has no personality.

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