Chapter Eight

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      The sun shone dimly through the thick layers of clouds that blanketed the sky. A breeze rustled through the land lazily, gently upturning leaves and causing the grass to sway. The air was humid and warm, and Frostpaw could tell that rain would soon fall upon the four Clans. 

      She was sitting in the training area with Shadewhisper, Ripplepaw, and her denmate's mentor Vinethorn. This battle session was a particularly unnerving one for the she-cat. It was one thing to have her mentor criticize her every move, but training with an apprentice as handsome as the green-eyed tom beside her. It made her feel even more self-conscious than usual, and she could feel her fur heat up with embarrassment after every trip and fall.

      "Frostpaw!" Shadewhisper's voice snapped her from her thoughts. Her head shot up, blue eyes flashing wildly.

      "Yes?" She asked as nonchalantly as she could.

      The dark gray tabby looked at her sternly. "Did you hear what I just said?"

      What he just said? Um... oh StarClan, what did he just say? She wracked her brain for any memories of the conversation that had taken place just moments before this exchange.

      "Er... you were talking about how sneaking up on an enemy is different from sneaking up on a piece of prey," Frostpaw stated, trying to sound confident.

      "And after that?"

      Several heartbeats went by and the apprentice had come up with nothing. Staring down at her paws, she muttered, "sorry, I must've missed it. Could you please repeat?" 

      Shadewhisper shot her a look that said I wish I wasn't stuck with you as an apprentice before huffing loudly in exasperation. "I said that you should stop trying to be flirtatious and keep your tail still when you crouch. Try again."

      Frostpaw felt just about ready to jump into a stream and drown herself. How could he say that? Especially in front of Ripplepaw of all cats. She decided to sneak a glance in his direction, but the tom was sitting rigid and stoic as if shocked about something. 

      Great StarClan, she thought, please let this training session be over soon.

      But she remained silent and reluctantly got into a crouched position, weight placed on her hindquarters. After a moment, she flexed her back legs and leaped at her mentor who was waiting, her sheathed paws aiming higher in the air than they would if she was hunting.

      Shadewhisper tried to dodge but wasn't as quick as he needed to be. Frostpaw got a hold of one of his legs and wrapped her paws around it, yanking hard. The warrior was thrown off-balance and toppled over with his apprentice on top.

      Serves him right. She internally mewed with pride as she got off the defeated cat. He's a mousebrained jerk anyway.

      Shadewhisper took a few heartbeats to collect himself before meowing tartly,"that wasn't as terrible as last time. Let's wrap this up and go back to camp."

      Frostpaw nodded happily, spirits rising instantly. She skipped ahead of the three other cats and admired the sunset on the way back to the place she called home. The rays of light were breaking through the heavy clouds, turning them all brilliant shades of orange and pink. Just as she padded through the entrance, the first raindrop fell directly on top of her head.

      With a grunt of approval from Shadewhisper, Frostpaw hurriedly grabbed a water vole and settled down to eat next to Amberpaw. The ginger she-cat greeted her with a brief nod of her head. They ate in silence, eager to finish their meal and return to the apprentice den for shelter from the rain.

      Once Frostpaw sat in her nest, she glanced around at her other denmates hastily making their way into the bush. Amberpaw shot her a teasing glance and winked when Ripplepaw entered. The white she-cat felt her ears heat up in embarrassment and she ducked her head to avoid his piercing green gaze. 

      She tried to keep her wandering thoughts contained by listening to Thrushpaw's fruitless pursuit of Amberpaw, which she always found amusing. 

      "Hey Amberpaw, guess how many fish I caught today?"

      Amberpaw groaned and rolled her hazel eyes in response. "I'm sure you're going to tell me."

      "Ten fish!" The brown tabby puffed out his furry white chest in pride. "Silverleaf was so impressed."

      It was Frostpaw that scoffed at his comment this time. Everyone knew that Silverleaf showed as much emotion other than disdain as Shadewhisper. The nicest thing she had ever heard the silver she-cat say was "that was only half mousebrained."

      Sudden anger flashed in Thrushpaw's expression. He abruptly turned in Frostpaw's direction, making her instantly regret her reaction to the tom's remark. 

      "You think this is funny?" He spat. "I'll tell you what's funny. That Flarestar would ever let a mangy, diseased rogue like you into DewClan!"

      Shockingly enough, Frostpaw didn't feel the usual bite of emotional turmoil this time. Ridicule was something she thought she'd never get used to, but at this specific moment, Thrushpaw's hateful comment didn't bother her. 

      Amberpaw, on the other paw, lashed her tail in fury. "Hey! Watch it!"

      "Oh come on, Amberpaw. You can't possibly be friends with a bloodthirsty and foxhearted outsider like Frostpaw, can you?"

      Amberpaw opened her mouth to retort, but her littermate beat her to it. "Why the sudden spite?"

      Frostpaw's heart seemed to stop when Ripplepaw spoke. The light grey tom usually kept quiet and had never defended her against Thrushpaw and the other malicious Clanmates. The blue-eyed apprentice couldn't help but wonder what provoked the sudden support. 

      Thrushpaw hissed, "because she doesn't belong here! A Clan protects its members, not outsiders taken in because of pity." His orange gaze bore into Frostpaw's sending a slight shiver of dread down her spine. "She doesn't even have anything to say! She just sits around and lets you two mousebrains defend her out of charity. "

      Frostpaw squeezed her eyes shut, fighting back the urge to spring from her nest and send her claws gouging into Thrushpaw's pelt. Don't react, don't react. She mentally repeated. Ignore him; he'll get bored eventually and leave me alone.

      If only that were the case. Her obnoxious denmate's taunting continued for what seemed like three moons until Frostpaw became so worked up she abruptly stood and exited the den. She ignored Amberpaw's protests and Ripplepaw's scolding toward Thrushpaw. Blinking torrential raindrops from her eyelids, she bounded out of the camp and into the DewClan territory, choosing a direction at random.

      Fury and humiliation laced through her veins, encouraging her to move faster and faster until she crashed face-first into what she thought was a tree. Glancing upward, she discovered it was indeed not a tree, but instead a familiar white tom with golden eyes that blinked at her in surprise. 

      She took a step back, inwardly cursing herself before facing the apprentice smelling of FoxClan. "Frozenpaw? What are you doing here?"

      A/N: Look who's back! *sees mob of angry readers wielding pitchforks and torches* *runs away*

      Oh my StarClan, I cannot even begin to explain how sorry I am for not updating since last July. Honestly, I'm the worst ever. I literally swear on my life that updates will be more regular. I already have two more pre-written chapters that just need editing before I will post them. I plan on updating at least every three days from now on; this book is now my #1 priority until May (which is when my update schedule changes).

      Ahh, I am truly sorry for my absence. It wouldn't surprise me if no one read this at all anymore. For those who've stayed, I love you to the moon and back. Your loyalty astounds me.

      See you real soon! 

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